failmaleficarSetting/Location: On the lake, in one of the canoes.
Date & Time: Day 16 - when the newbies wake up.
Warnings: Fire, explosions, demons, witches, magical battles, madness, THIS IS WILLAKNAP, boats getting flipped. Something along those lines.
Summary: Why you don't put a witch, a mage, and a demon in one boat together.
i'm on a boat, motherfucker, don't you ever forget )
For a moment, it honestly just left him staring, and then, he had to fight for his balance again.
He looked back at Tyki and opened his mouth to reply, just a split second before the boat turned over on all three of them - not entirely without the help of his walking around on it. The weight of three people proved too much for the boat's balance.
Instead of a reply, Jowan let out a surprised shriek, paddling helpless for a moment when he hit the water and sank instantly, before he regained enough control to come back up and cling to the side of the overturned boat.
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