be it friend or foe (closed)。

Aug 09, 2010 05:32

Characters: shotawaifu, unamvirtus and likeagoodson
Setting/Location: Charley & Link's room!
Date & Time: Day Ten, after Charley's 'eaten'.
Warnings: Super cute.
Summary: A meeting and a reunion.

i'm not witty enough for cut text (nottalking) )

#incomplete, charles j. chrishunds, link (wind waker), harold wayne, #style: prose, *day 10

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unamvirtus August 9 2010, 14:26:16 UTC
He'd been sitting at the table, staring absently out the table while he waited. To be totally honest, he still wasn't very used to being around kids his own age; up until twelve he hadn't been familiar with them at all, and his experience was based mainly on the girls he'd met at Windfall. He still had yet to meet many boys his age, so the idea was kind of exciting to him. The thought that he might not be liked hadn't yet crossed his mind, so for now he was blissfully unaware of any nervousness besides feeling bad about the whole wheelchair thing.

He was hoping to make up for coming across as mean (or at least, he thought he had), so of course inviting Hal over would be a good way to start, even if Link hadn't wanted to meet him. Which he did! He definitely wanted to, and it wasn't just to see the neat chair Hal had been talking about, that was just a sided curiosity. It made sense too to try and make friends with people Mister Charles was already friends with, because Mister Charles was nice and would probably have nice friends, right?

He started at the sound of a knock on the door, already up and heading towards it as Hal's muffled voice came through. He stopped for a moment at the "Mister", a little surprised, but he quickly pushed it aside and closed the distance to the door. Twisting the handle, he pulled it open and look out, subconsciously a little disappointed when he realized the figure outside was taller than him. The first thing he noticed about Hal was the eyepatch, and his eyes widened in concern, hands immediately going up to-- to do what, he wasn't sure. He noticed the chair second, but it was only a brief moment of fascination put off for his current worry.

He didn't want to point, since that would be rude, so he reached up a hand towards the eyepatch, faltering in a "what happened?" gesture, frown already in place.


shotawaifu August 10 2010, 01:16:32 UTC
Hal was obviously nervous when the door opened, but when he got a good look at Link he relaxed somewhat. He wasn't the huge burly teenager he'd been afraid of seeing, but someone who would have been smaller than him - had he been able to stand, of course. His arms shifted from his lap to the wheels and back, his nervous evident still despite having actually seen Link. It was hard for him to get over his worry that Mister Charles would come and be upset at him for the wrong he had committed.

After watching the boy nervously for a moment, Hal opened his mouth to speak - until Link's hand moved towards him. Pausing, looking confused for a moment, he imagined the line of sight Link was seeing and then looked panicked for a moment. His eye - of course, he'd forgotten to mention that. "O-Oh! I, well, um. It's nothing important, really! The eye just doesn't work." He frowned a little. He had such a damaged body; it was no wonder that his father didn't want to see him so much, right? Why waste time on a boy that couldn't walk and could barely see. He was only good for doing what he was told - all those people...

The boy smiled for a moment before looking behind Link into the room. This was where Mister Charles was staying too, wasn't it. Harold was suddenly overcome with incredibly jealousy - he wanted to be staying with Mister Charles too. He had always been so kind to him, no matter what he admitted, but now they were so far apart... Hal bit the inside of his lip for a moment before he turned his eyes back to his new friend, hiding the jealousy he felt easily. "I, um, I hope my chair isn't too much of a problem. I can move around well enough, so you don't need to worry!" The small smile on his face was only half fake he paused to look up and down the hallways again, just in case Charles were to appear.


unamvirtus August 10 2010, 01:34:17 UTC
He took note of the nervousness, and to try and keep Hal from being uncomfortable his hand faltered a little more. He listened to Hal's explanation with a confused frown on his face, wondering what the boy meant by that-- nothing important? He would have thought that if one of his eyes "didn't work", then it wouldn't be unimportant. It's the strangest thing to him, seeing a person so disabled... yet another thing he never had much experience with back home.

Still, he had a feeling that Hal didn't want to discuss it, so he dropped his hand reluctantly to look back up, realizing then where the boy's gaze was directed. Oh! It wasn't very polite of him to keep Hal standing --er, sitting-- outside when he's invited him in, was it? A little embarrassed, he stepped to pull the door open wide, unable to resist staring in curiosity at the chair until he noticed what Hal was saying. A little thrown off by the timid behaviour, he waved a hand as an "it's nothing" gesture, sweeping it in towards the room at the end to suggest coming inside.


santa soon i promise shotawaifu August 10 2010, 01:51:32 UTC
Hal smiled at link, pushing his chair inside quickly. He knew he'd made the boy uncomfortable by not wanting to talk about his eye, but... There wasn't anything he could do about that. His disability had always been an issue for him and he didn't want to be a bother to anyone else. He always wasted a lot of Mister Craig and Mister Charles' time because of his chair; to bother Link with it would be far too much. When he reached the middle of the room he fiddled with the wheels, turning it so that he was half-facing the door.

"So, um, Link," Hal started awkwardly. "How long have you been here? Does everyone start out in scary forests like that or was it just us?" Harold was insanely curious about that - how he got here and why. He supposed he couldn't complain, really, at least not for a while. Here he was free from his responsibility and that was good. He could relax for a while. Glancing around the room, smiling to himself, Hal continued. "It's... It's nice, sort-of, isn't it?" Leaning forward a little awkwardly, Harold smiled. He was preparing himself to look Link over, to learn his features as best he could.


don't keep me waiting woman unamvirtus August 10 2010, 02:02:33 UTC
Closing the door after Hal, he walked over to the table and pushed the second chair out of the way to make room for Hal. He sat down next to the empty space where a notebook and a pen were laid out in front; he'd taken them from the Beast's Castle after no one had scolded him for carrying them around, and unlike most of the other objects there they didn't seem to talk-- even if he sometimes found them in bizarre places that he most definitely hadn't left them in. Turning slightly in the chair to look back at Hal, he smiled back and raised both hands: ten fingers, ten days. Not a very long time, considering the time he'd spent on his adventure... long enough to be worried about his family's and Tetra's states, and not long enough to stop having nightmares about the his ordeal before arriving.

He patted the table next to him welcomingly, hoping Hal would take the offer to come sit next to him.


impatient little loli aren't you shotawaifu August 10 2010, 20:28:10 UTC
Smiling, Hal pushed his chair over to the table. He didn't really know why Link didn't talk - he had used text on the Junogram, of course, but... Maybe his voice didn't work properly? The thought, however horrible, made Hal relax a little. Settling himself down, the boy glanced over at Link with a bright smile and -- wait. His eyes widened and he stared at the small ears he could see poking out of Link's little hat. There was no way, right? After all, people had always said that those things were never more than a fairy tale...

"Um, Link," Hel began awkwardly. "Um... Do you know someone called Santa Claus, by any chance?" It was a long shot (and a wild, awkward question, all things considered), but Hal had to know.


you know it unamvirtus August 10 2010, 20:49:22 UTC
Satisfied once Hal began to push himself over, he turned back around to face the table, about to open his notebook just as Hal began to stare. Feeling a little bit uncomfortable with this sudden development, he stared back with wide eyes, waiting for Hal to explain himself. Luckily he didn't have to wait too long, but this didn't dispel any of his confusion; who in the world was Santa Claus? Was that another one of Hal and Mister Charles's friends?

He offered a very puzzled look, hoping Hal would further explain what he was talking about-- maybe offer a description, because he may not have caught their name if he'd met them here...


THERE X( (COZY) shotawaifu August 11 2010, 01:30:43 UTC
At Link's blank look Hal frowned. Was Link really not one of Santa's elves? But he looked just like them - green clothes, pointed ears, small... Well, he was a child, that's why he was small, but... "Um, S-Santa Claus. The big red man that's always happy and brings you presents? He comes down your chimney at Christmas and gives you them if you've been good," looking down at his hands, Harold looked quite embarrassed. "Um, y-you just look like one of his elves, that's all. I'm sorry."

Hal decided to do his best to pretend this never happened, glancing around the room nervously. Hopefully, Link would just forget about it and they could move on. It was pretty embarrassing for a teenage boy to mistake one of Santa's elves, after all.


awwwyeah X( (cozy) unamvirtus August 11 2010, 12:57:40 UTC
Listening patiently, his expression slowly became more and more bewildered as Hal continued on. Automatically, he waved a hand dismissively at the "I'm sorry", but his face was still a mask of total incredulity. A big red man? That sounded a little suspicious, especially coming down a chimney. What was wrong with knocking on the front door? The thought of a "happy" man breaking into his house, with his sister and Grandma vulnerably sleeping... it was scary, really! And Hal had said "if you were good"-- what did that mean? And how would he know if you were good or not unless he was watching you all the time?

He'd heard that Hylians were apparently called "elves" in other worlds, but the thought of being one of Mister Claus's elves was a questionable and frightening one. Hal sounded like he had first-hand experience though... realizing this, he stared in worried alarm at the other boy, offering one quiet but concerned word in response.

"Dangerous!" he replied, eyes still significantly widened.


i can use that emote again!!! shotawaifu August 14 2010, 06:46:10 UTC
Hal was almost a little disappointed that Link wasn't an elf because, really, how amazing would it be to meet one of Santa's elves? Especially if it meant he could give a personal letter to Santa Claus himself. But... Had he really been a good boy this year? Hal could think of many reasons why he hadn't and it made him pause for thought. Deep in thought, pondering whether or not he was a good boy, Harold jumped a little when he heard Link's quick, concerned word.

"Dangerous? Santa? N-No, he's not, not at all!" Harold smiled. "He's a very nice man, really. He brings all the good boys and girls in the world presents every year, no matter what, and he never asks for anything in return - oh, apart from some food for his reindeer! But that's okay, it's just a carrot!" Hal smiled brightly. Santa? Dangerous? How silly.


this whole tag is of course ignoring the fact that he too breaks into houses unamvirtus August 14 2010, 12:39:17 UTC
He didn't trust it.

Seriously, what was Hal thinking letting a man just waltz right into his house? If there wasn't anything questionable going on, then "Santa Claus" would just use the front door like everyone else. There was definitely something fishy about this, and Link was going to find out what it was. Or at least, that's what he thought up until Hal mention all the good children and he gaped, caught somewhere between awe and horror. Just how long was this "Christmas"? And what in Din's name was a reindeer? This was getting more and more sinister by the minute.


and break people's pots :| shotawaifu August 14 2010, 13:00:37 UTC
Hal paused, looking more uncomfortable by the second. Santa Claus wasn't so bad, was he? Maybe it was just that Link hadn't heard of him before -- but where on earth could a person be from where they didn't know Santa Claus? He was every little boy (and girl's, he amended to himself) dream to see Santa on Christmas morning, leaving presents for them to open with happiness and glee. What could be so bad about that? It didn't make sense to Harold and he decided to do his best to change the subject.

"Um, d-don't you have Santa where you're from, Link?" Harold asked quietly. "Oh, that - where are you from? I didn't ask, did I?"


for the sake of the world thank you very much unamvirtus August 14 2010, 13:49:20 UTC
He wasn't very eager to change the subject, but he had the feeling that Hal was probably uncomfortable with the current conversation judging by his reaction, so reluctantly he let the topic go. Maybe he could bring it up later, when it would be less invasive, or when Hal would feel less awkward around him. He listened patiently to Hal's quiet speech, deciding that he definitely liked the boy; he was nice, even if he was shy. It would make him feel accomplished to make friends with someone timid, when he thought about it.

Hal's questions brought back a lot of pleasant memories, however, and he smiled back easily, hiding his sadness at the same time. There wasn't a lot of things he wouldn't give up to be home again for a while, but it wasn't painful enough that he couldn't talk about it. From what he'd gathered, most people here came from land instead of islands, and the thought was still a little overwhelming to him. He'd never been to a place like that and explored it-- the few times he'd been to Hyrule were a little too hectic and busy to actually go out and see it all for himself. It was a disappointing thought, but at least he'd been able to see it here... even if to him, it almost felt like something was missing when his view met landscape instead of the sea.

Reaching for the notebook with his right hand, he flipped it open to a blank page, took the pen in his left and began to draw. He took a few pauses to gather from memory how his island had looked from a distance-- he'd never realized while living on it how big it was, but leaving it, it had seemed so much bigger... and once again, after seeing how big land really was, his home seemed like a simple spot in comparison. After about three minutes of sketching, the he put down his pen and pushed the notebook over to Hal so he could see the final result.


what's late i don't know shotawaifu August 20 2010, 19:08:24 UTC
The little boy wanted to drop everything to do with Santa Claus. It's obvious that Link had no idea who Hal was talking about and it made the little boy quite uncomfortable - he didn't want to seem too different or too strange in front of Link. Having someone that was the same age as him, in the middle of all these adults, was too good to be true: he didn't want to mess it up during the first meeting. That'd be the worst thing and so he was quite happy - and quite desperate - to change the subject and let the whole 'dangerous man' thing drop.

Harold's eyes widened as Link began to draw and he leaned over, peering over. He'd never imagined that the place Link would be so amazing - it was never like anything he had seen before and he had been to quite a few places. He moved his chair closer, awkwardly, almost brushing against Link's wooden chair. His eyes widened and he grinned - this was a lot better than a verbal description, he supposed. Trees, mountains - it was so beautiful and natural that he almost wished that he could go and visit it. But, of course, that would mean leaving Mister Charles behind again, and Hal wasn't sure he wanted to do that anymore. He had to take responsibility, but... He loved Mister Charles.

"It looks amazing!" Hal said, excitement obvious in his voice. "What's your house like - and your family? What's your home called, Link?" He was obviously thrilled to be learning more about his friend and he grinned, peeking over at the notebook with enthusiasm. "I've never seen a place like that before in my life! It looks so big and natural and wonderful. Do you have any pets? Mister Charles has a dog called Sacra..."


I'M LATE BAHAHAHA likeagoodson August 20 2010, 20:12:15 UTC
His entire body ached. Charley couldn't even comprehend how he was functioning properly much less making it to his shared room, but the blood in his system seemed to help in renewing his energy. He no longer had to focus on how hungry he was; instead, the guilt he felt for harming an innocent person had already started to settle in the forefront of his mind. What was he going to do, how was he to--

The sound of a very familiar voice interrupted his thoughts, and Charley paused just outside the door. It wasn't Master. Just that realization made his heart sink, tears beginning to form, but he wiped at his eyes as quickly as it had started. He meticulously began to roll his sleeves up, trying to straighten out the general appearance of his clothes. For the most part, he considered himself a neat eater--there was only a small spot of blood on the collar of his shirt. Perhaps no one would notice as long as he acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Still, there was the matter of that voice.

He entered the room after double-checking himself, quite somber as he observed the room. Nothing seemed out of place: there was Link and... Charley hesitated, standing in the doorway and unsure as to whether or not he could believe what he saw. Even if he had spoken with him recently, it still shocked him.

"...Hal?" The surprise was evident in his own voice and on his face. As happy as he was to see the boy, this made things even more complicated.


rolls eyes shotawaifu August 20 2010, 20:41:41 UTC
Hal was still excitedly squealing over Link's drawing when he heard the door open. At first he froze, nervousness taking over him, but he soon turned his head to look over at who the guest was. There was no guarantee that it was Mister Charles, after all, was there? It might be another one of Link's friends -- but, of course, after turning his head, Hal's face lit up. His eyes glittered with tears as he saw the man that had cared for him and cheered him up so many times standing at the door.

He moved awkwardly in his chair and, in his excitement, he ended up slipping, moving the chair awkwardly and tipping himself out. Of course, this wasn't normal, but this wasn't a normal situation - this was Mister Charles! Reverend and Hal's personal hero. His eyes wide and happy, the young boy laughed. "Mister Charles! You really are here! I'm so happy - are you alright? I'm so glad to see you!" He grinned harder, the muscles in his jaw aching from his joy.

It didn't take long, of course, for the worry to set in. He could see, with his master's return, Sacra wandering back into the room and curling up in a corner. Swallowing nervously, Hal glanced between Charley and the dog nervously before pretending nothing strange was happening, doing his best to struggle up from being a crumpled mess on the floor. He was just so happy to see Charley - everything else could wait until later, couldn't it?

"How long have you been here? Is Mister Johnny here too - did you find him again?"


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