
Jul 07, 2010 17:03

Characters: Fang (sharpstone), Hope (hopeslittle), Lightning, (aveclumiere), Serah (fatemarked), Snow (feymarked), and Vanille (ofmanyfocuses).
Setting/Location: The Beast's Castle; The halls somewhere.
Date & Time: Day 6, not long after the prisoners were released from their cells.
Warnings: Hero abuse?
Summary: The FFXIII cast comes together for a long overdue reunion. Also, feel free to use action or prose ( Read more... )

#style: action, hope estheim, lightning farron, #style: prose, snow villiers, oerba yun fang, oerba dia vanille, serah farron, *day 06

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Comments 17

hopeslittle July 7 2010, 23:34:42 UTC
[It takes him a while to adjust, seeing Serah move around with such freedom-the last time he saw her was when she had been crystallized, barring that illusion from the fal'Cie. He's wondering, just how many of them are here; Snow had said earlier about getting in contact with Lightning, Vanille, and possibly Fang. For Hope, it had just been the opposite-two days of solitude, of an inability to contact the world beyond that cell, and Hope had lost all sense of optimism. The only thing that kept him going was...


He tries not to think about it.

It's just then when Serah and Snow stops, and in turn, Hope stops as well. He steps to the side, past the looming Snow, in order to see their dilemma.]

Uhh, straight- [Think, Hope! You didn't do all that schooling for nothing.] -actually, no, it's just... let's just keep together.

[That's the best possible choice, right? If they happened to go the wrong way... they could at least turn back.]


sharpstone July 8 2010, 05:13:28 UTC
[ Fang doesn't waste much time when the cell doors unlock - she hated being cooped up, and Beast had been only one failed summon away from needing to replace a large section of his castle's walls. Why Bahamut isn't coming is a problem to be saved for later, after she's met up with everyone else.

So it's with great satisfaction that she spots three familiar backs - or two familiar backs and one familiar hair color. If Fang was the type to say "I told you so" (and she is), Lightning would probably receive one: Serah is awake.

Fang arrives in time to catch Serah's question and Hope's answer. She responds as well as she walks up behind them. ]

Depends. Which way is this Beast guy we've been hearing about? I'd like to give him a piece of my mind, locking us up like that.


fatemarked July 9 2010, 23:43:40 UTC
[ Serah is about to answer Hope-as straight is as good of a direction as any, considering they all have no idea where they’re going in the first place-when a new voice coming from behind her makes her stop. She turns herself around to face the stranger who’s come up from the back. The woman in question is as equally unfamiliar as her voice is, though she’s dressed in a way that can’t help but remind Serah a little of Vanille. She smiles, not at all minding the interruption.

While she can’t say she approved of the so-called Beast’s methods at all--she still is rather unhappy over the fact that the Beast had shoved some poor woman into her and Snow’s cell with nothing at all to cover her--she still feels a tinge of sympathy for him just the same. He must’ve lost something terribly important.]

Well, at least he let us out. That’s something, isn’t it? [Though there had been times when Serah had wondered whether he was going to at all. Time sure had its way of slowing down when you had somewhere important to be.]


hopeslittle July 24 2010, 00:35:05 UTC
[Hope raises his hand, rubbing the back of his neck in the process, gaze settled to the floor. It's a little strange, talking to Lightning's sister like nothing was the matter, when the last time they saw her-the real her-was when she was crystallized. In the end, he's a little stumped at their entire situation; it sounds ridiculous, like something out of a fairy tale.

Then again, this wasn't the first time the impossible had happened to him, right?]

What's he want us to do, anyway? [He's heard something about a missing item, an accusation or two, but they might as well be unbased rumors to him.] Keeping us locked up like that, then letting us go without an explanation-I mean, there's got to be a motive.

[Hope's a Class A Representative of skewed motives, kthx.]


[ sometime after hope, snow, serah and fang navigate a bit ] aveclumiere July 8 2010, 05:00:48 UTC
[ lightning strides into the castle, all hustle and bustle and seemingly endless energy at the mere thought of actually seeing serah again, live and whole and in one piece. the added factor of finding hope, fang, and snow are also reasons why she's so determined to find them but she can't help but pause at the sheer size of the castle when she navigates through the first hallway.

just how big is this place? it didn't seem that huge from the outside, but then again, the decor and color scheme of the castle might be throwing her off a bit. still, nothing can keep her down for long--and for the time being, she's a woman on a mission ( ... )


[/sounds good. i'll just consider these two separate threads then. or something?] fatemarked July 9 2010, 02:20:19 UTC
[ Serah hangs back a little this time, keeping her pace even with the rest of the growing group, staying just to the right side of Snow. She no longer feels as anxious as she did before, even when she was with Snow back in the cell. There's just something about being able to walk around freely--not being stuck behind thick stone walls and black bars with nowhere to go--and just being surrounded by people. It's just somehow easier to shove aside one's doubts and worries, keep them at a manageable distance ( ... )


[ yep, that's the plan! someone better start the swelling orchestra music for these two though...] aveclumiere July 9 2010, 04:49:26 UTC
[ her feet slap the plush carpet as she makes her way down the hall and then, like getting hit by a freight train--she sees them. her body moves on pure instinct now, mind not ready to swallow the scene in front of her and she slows down when she's a few feet away from serah, boots shuffling forward as she hesitantly approaches the other girl. she can't brush off that precautionary gut feeling she has, and after dysley's little stint, it's not hard to guess why. but still... ]


[ she takes another step closer, eyes focused right into the face of her little sister. there's no sinister smile there, no evil intent, no facial contortions that belong on some fal'cie. no...it's just serah. is she ready to believe what's happening right now though? lightning pauses when she's only a few steps away, hesitant on pulling her sister in for that hug she's itching to do but the sane, rational, soldier-esque portion of her brain keeps her firmly rooted to the ground. ]


fatemarked July 10 2010, 00:14:57 UTC
[ Ever since Serah had heard her sister’s voice over Snow’s junogam, she has been trying desperately to think of what to say to her. She’s imagined a hundred different scenarios, played them over and over again within her mind until they are almost as easily recalled as a well-worn memory. What to do, what to say, when to say it, how to say it, it’s in them all. Some of them are more complex than others, but most begin the same way, with just a few words and little more:

I’m sorry, I missed you, and I’m glad you’re here.They’re deceptively simple words, but she means each and every one of them ( ... )


ofmanyfocuses July 9 2010, 20:48:24 UTC
"Oof! C'mon, opppeenn..."

Vanille braced herself, knees straight and back hunched over. She gave a mighty tug at the door once again but nothing happened. She tried once more, pulling with all of her strength, but only succeeded in losing her grip and toppling over backwards onto her behind. She yelped as she feel and rubbed her bottom, listening to her own voice echo in the halls.

"Oooh... no good at all." Vanille climbed to her feet and gave the offending door an irritated kick with her heel. This too echoed in the spacious castle.

She had wandered in here on her own, ever curious, only to have gotten completely lost. Now she was attempting to find her way back out but wasn't having much luck. There really had to be a way out, right?


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