To Our Surprise [OPEN]

Jul 07, 2010 13:15

Characters: Roxas and OPEN
Setting/Location: The halls of the Beast's Castle
Date & Time: Day Six, after the prisoners were released
Warnings: Uh. None. Does derp count?
Summary: Roxas thinks he knows the place and promptly sets off. He doesn't realize this is not the same Beast's Castle that he thinks it is. Predictably... He gets lost.

Cue Waltz of the Damned -- Oh, wait, no... )

#style: action, xion, *day 06, roxas, lightning farron, #style: prose

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aveclumiere July 7 2010, 19:39:17 UTC
"Just find your own way."

Lightning brushed past him as she continued her way down the hall, doing a good job of ignoring the elaborate decorations and scenes in favor of actually navigating this place. From what she could tell, the cells weren't that far from here, maybe behind the structure? In any case, Serah wasn't going to find her own way out of this place, not without some help on her part at least.

"This place cant' be that hard to manage."

She stops her walking to look over her shoulder, eying Roxas with a curious look and a raised brow before continuing again, turning the corner as she tried to visualize where the cells would be.


spiritedkey July 7 2010, 20:20:17 UTC
Roxas stares up at the woman as she walks past him, frowning.

"I thought this was somewhere I knew."

But she's all ready moving on past him. His frown deepens. Did she even hear him? What's the point of talking to someone if you're just going to walk off like that?


aveclumiere July 7 2010, 20:45:30 UTC
That was his cue to follow. She sighs, ready to ignore him and carry on her way until she hears his voice echoing back. "I though this was somewhere I knew."...

She pauses, midstep before turning back, brow raised all the while as she tries to piece together what he meant by that. Was it possible that he was here once before?

"What do you mean you thought you knew? You recognize this place?"


spiritedkey July 7 2010, 20:52:30 UTC
Well, it's not his fault he didn't know that. If she wanted him to follow her, she should've said so!

"There's a Beast's Castle where I come from. But this doesn't look anything like it."

After sitting around in that cell listening to people talk and watching the messages on that network thing, Roxas knows now that there are people from all kinds of worlds here. The first step in a mission is to not get spotted, but that's unavoidable here. So the best way to blend in and not seem suspicious is to act like everyone else, right? That's what Roxas figures, anyway.


aveclumiere July 7 2010, 21:18:41 UTC
" That's not exactly helpful."

She crosses her arms and stares at him, unable to recognize him as a passenger of the caravan. Not to say that she could match every face with a name but considering how much exploring and familiarizing she did, it seemed odd that a face would be so foreign to her. That is, unless...

"Were you one of the people trapped in the cells?"


spiritedkey July 7 2010, 21:48:20 UTC
That's what he means. This isn't where he thought it is, so now he's lost.

Roxas doesn't know what to make of her body language or her expression. He watches her silently as she thinks, uncertain what to think of her.

"Yeah, I am."


aveclumiere July 7 2010, 21:53:13 UTC
There, that does its job in grabbing her attention. She uncrosses her arms, ready to move out again, ready to find her sister (and Fang, and...and yes, even that idiot Snow.)

"Maybe you can help me out then. Where exactly are the cells? I'm...looking for someone."


spiritedkey July 7 2010, 22:00:48 UTC
"I can take you there." Better than he can describe the way, anyway. "They're this way." He points first before turning to walk that direction.

"I'm looking for someone, too. She's a girl, about my height. She's got black hair and a coat like mine. Her name's Xion."


aveclumiere July 7 2010, 22:30:17 UTC
Lightning walks after him, with all intentions of taking Serah an co. back to safety before she's conveniently interrupted by his own descriptions of a friend.

"Xion? I know her. She's young, approximately your age...last I checked, she was on the caravan."

And well, a deal's a deal, right? If Roxas was helping her out now, then she should at least try to return the favor.

"I can lead you back there after we're finished here."


spiritedkey July 8 2010, 03:39:25 UTC
On the caravan... So does that mean she's okay?

"Okay." He nods. "Thank you."


aveclumiere July 8 2010, 19:31:20 UTC
She kept walking as she dug through her mind for the bits of conversation she ever had with Xion. She had mentioned some companions of her, didn't she? Something about keyblades, too, if she remembered right...

"By any chance, are you one of those...keyblade masters?"

She makes a vague motion with her hand, unsure if he even knows what she's talking about. It's kind of a shot in the dark, but she's curious.


spiritedkey July 9 2010, 12:13:49 UTC

"Yeah, I am." He blinks, surprised. Xion's been telling people about the Keyblades? Well... If he thinks about it, he can't imagine why they'd have to be kept secret. He doesn't know if Saïx would be happy about that, though.


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