To Our Surprise [OPEN]

Jul 07, 2010 13:15

Characters: Roxas and OPEN
Setting/Location: The halls of the Beast's Castle
Date & Time: Day Six, after the prisoners were released
Warnings: Uh. None. Does derp count?
Summary: Roxas thinks he knows the place and promptly sets off. He doesn't realize this is not the same Beast's Castle that he thinks it is. Predictably... He gets lost.

Okay. This is definitely not Beast's Castle. Or, at least... Not the Beast's Castle Roxas knows. He frowns to himself. Two Beast's Castles? Two Beasts? Are they under the same curse? This Beast mentioned something about a rose-shaped jewel. There are a lot of similarities. He hasn't seen any talking candelabras or clocks, though...

Well. None of that really matters right now. There are supposed to be a lot of people here, and Roxas hasn't seen hardly anyone since he left the cells. That... Amaterasu person said Xion was looking for him. He wonders how long Xion has been here, and why he hasn't noticed. Did she get a mission to come here? Or... Did she just wake up here, like him? Did she wake up in a cell, too? Lightning said there were different cells, and when Roxas left, he did see a few others full of people. Why didn't he think to look for Xion there?

Maybe he should make a message for her. He stares at his Junogram for a long time, then frowns. Maybe... Later. He doesn't really like that thing. He'd rather try and find her on his own first.

"Except it's kind of hard to find anybody," he says aloud to himself and the hallway, "when you're lost."

#style: action, xion, *day 06, roxas, lightning farron, #style: prose

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