In which Link plays the spy. (OPEN)

Jun 06, 2010 11:31

Characters: Link, and YOU?
Setting/Location: He's wandering just about everywhere, so the setting can change when convenient. HE'S IN THE CARAVAN.
Date & Time: Day 2 (I think???), sometime in the afternoon.
Warnings: Absolutely nothing, or at least for Link.
Summary: Link is helping gather information for his roommate Holmes, so he does just that. By making friends, naturally.

Being shut up in one place for so long wasn't doing much to entertain Link at this point. Ever since leaving home, he hadn't stayed anywhere for more than a few days at the most-- and after months, and months, and months of the same habits the sudden change wasn't a very welcome one. The thought that he could be outside exploring this new environment, maybe getting his mind off of worries about Tetra, but instead he was stuck inside this caravan, was fairly disappointing for him. Yet this was considering he had already explored everything he could in the caravan, and it hadn't left him very satisfied, despite the significant differences.

It didn't take him long to realize that the caravan was designed for passengers relatively bigger than he was. The banisters on the stairs, the doorknobs; everything was noticeably higher up than he remembered from his home... and that was excluding the actual people. He'd never seen so many different species in one place before, and that itself was overwhelming, but most of them were so tall that he felt awfully isolated when the direct line of vision was somebody's legs. He noted that most seemed surprised by how quiet he was as well, for a change. Most people had simply accepted it before without asking any questions, but here? The questions never seemed to stop about it. Albeit, Link didn't really mind them all since he found it only curious, but he still had to admit that explaining himself was growing the tiniest bit tedious.

Still, this new assignment had at least given something to do, and he was more than willing to take advantage of it. Link set off wandering, looking for any interesting faces or approaching ones that he could use as a distraction from both his concerns and his impending boredom.

nodoka miyazaki, link (wind waker), #complete, zevran arainai, *day 02, yuusei fudou, #style: prose

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