someone call a cab! [OPEN]

Jun 01, 2010 00:43

Characters: Vash the Stampede (humanoidtyphoon), Amaterasu (worthpraise), Beyond Birthday (methodicals) & OPEN to anyone who wants to watch him fail.
Setting/Location: District 1 of Sleepywoods, at one of the inns.
Date & Time: Day 1, shortly after the caravan has left.
Warnings: Lots of screaming and running!
Summary: Vash was taking a nap, and missed the caravan leaving.

The day before Vash had used up most of his energy running around in a desperate frenzy, then after he had calmed he decided to look around the place. When you've lived on a desert island for about one-hundred and odd years even a blade of grass is something to marvel at, so Vash was overwhelmed.

After it all he was understandably exhausted. He had heard Cid Amon's announcement that the caravan would leave soon and had decided taking a little nap before the caravan left wouldn't be such a bad idea; he would be well rested and ready for the journey. He yawned and stretched as he woke.

"Man, I feel great!" He said as he climbed out of the bed and started to get dressed. "Maybe this journey won't be so bad after all."

He packed what little things he had with him and left the room. "Thanks Ma'am!" He said with a smile to the innkeeper, though the woman looked at him with a worried expression Vash could not understand - that is, until he left the inn.

"Aah, I'm ready to- huh?" He stopped and looked around, blinking nervously. The caravan was nowhere to be seen and the village seemed much quieter than before. He twitched, and then he flailed, screaming at the top of his lungs as he started running in the direction of the tracks left in the ground.

"Waaaaaahhh! Nooo!! Come baaaack!" he shouted. He then pulled the Junogram out of his pocket and began pressing the buttons, his feet still racing towards the caravan

Feel free to tag here or on his Junogram post.

beyond birthday, jack russell, amaterasu, #style: prose, *day 01, vash the stampede, leonard l. church

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