
Jun 01, 2011 17:20

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he didn't directly tell me to go on a diet this time!

...no, instead he just went, "Did you gain weight?" and I felt the urge to kick him in the shins, since I am DOWN a pant size since I last saw the fucker and the jeans I bought back in February are so big on me now that I don't have to unbutton them to take them off and if I don't wear a belt, it is a disaster waiting to happen. *eyetwitch*

On the plus side, though, we are now on the same page with this being stress-related, and he suggested I play hooky from work at some point. XD;;;

I will admit, I strongly considered skipping out the rest of the day, but there's too much of a backlog of stuff right now. However, I am going to try to leave close to on time instead of at 7 or 7:30 like I have been almost every day the last two weeks. I'm also thinking about maybe taking another trip out to Seoul one weekend, but that might not happen since I need to save up money since I'm thinking about moving again AND I have to go back to America for Christmas, so I need to have money in the bank. Plus, my computer is acting kinda flaky and it's going to be time to replace it soon...and since I am a devout Mac user, that is gonna hurt.

I figure, though, that it's gonna be one more month of working late almost every day, then I should be finally caught up with everything. As much as I loved having a nigh-week long vacation, it screwed me over because work kept coming in even if I didn't. :/

Actually, scratch leaving on time today; if I make up the two hours I missed by going to the doctor's office today, I miiiiight be able to polish off at least one thing, and take that pressure off (especially since, ahahaha, I have to proofread something tomorrow, and ahahaha, I know this guy's English level, so this is gonna hurt and take all day). *eyetwitch* And then I go home and either study Korean (my teacher noted that I seemed to have stalled out and wasn't studying ^^;;; This right when a Korean friend of mine asked me on FB how Korean was going, and now I feel sufficiently ashamed of myself that I'm studying again), or paint my nails and catch up on Supernatural since I finished off all of Law & Order: UK. So I'll shoot to leave by 8 and take the bus instead of walking an hour.

I am SO boozing it up this Friday.

And I miss writing and communicating with other people. :(


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