⦅ two | action ⦆

Apr 29, 2010 03:42

[After having experienced death within The World for the first time - and finally reaching level 10 - Amaterasu has taken to resting from battles and monster hunter (and that whole "grinding" thing, as the people here seem to call it). It was long overdue and for anyone passing through the port area, they may be noticing a slightly thoughtful and ( Read more... )

(okami) amaterasu, !action post, (samurai warriors) gracia, (disgaea) pleinair, (touhou project) momiji inubashiri

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Comments 25

ookami_tengu April 29 2010, 08:07:35 UTC
-Well, Momiji had just been traveling by herself in order to explore more of what she could. But it was that wolf-like woman that caught the ookami's attention very damn well. Could it be... one of her own?

No, Momiji. She was something far more important than that...-


illuminatism April 30 2010, 04:31:46 UTC
[Her head snaps up from the reflection within the water, the bag nearly falls off the edge of the pier and into the depth below when she turns her upper body. Her clothing moves, the robe shifts on her shoulders just a bit as her hair brushes against her back.

There was a familiar feeling - as though there was someone nearby who was...like her? At least that was what it felt like, especially when her gaze falls upon the girl who was just a little bit away.

The appearance is uncanny and, being the curious wolf that she is, Amaterasu is up on her feet and debating whether or not to wander over and give this girl a sniff.]


ookami_tengu April 30 2010, 05:12:03 UTC
-If Momiji was aware of how far forgotten her manners were in that moment, she'd run away in shame. But she simply cannot help but stare from her position that short distance away. That person... they carried such a bizarre familiarity. She could feel it deep within... but what was it? She found herself speechless and unable to put into words just how profound those feelings were.-


illuminatism May 5 2010, 01:02:52 UTC
[Curiosity wins out over being careful and, in the long run, perhaps it will be a good thing that this happened. There was just something about the girl that reminds her of her children, the wolf has firmly come to believe as she closes the distance between them.

It was...certainly odd, this, and she cannot help but circle the girl. Wolf instincts coming to a full kick as she sniffs around; eyes size her up - from the top of the ears down to her feet and back up again.

The only thing that seems to visibly missing are markings of any sort to distinguish her as one of her own (plus Amaterasu was fairly certain that there were no other brush gods besides the twelve after her).]


sacredgrace April 30 2010, 02:21:56 UTC
[ Gracia was taking a walk around when she gets ping'd by the wolf lady. Curiously, she walks closer to the stranger. ]



illuminatism April 30 2010, 04:44:49 UTC

[Amaterasu tilts her head up, having now gone through a good portion of the meat buns that were in the little brown bag at her side. Her head tilts in the direction of the oncoming stranger, her eyes narrow in slight thought.

...she may also be staring a little lower than need be or maybe she's not, it's just a little bit hard to tell. To the greeting, however, she gives a small nod of her head in return hello.]


sacredgrace April 30 2010, 14:59:38 UTC
[ Gracia stares on curiously, unashamed. She can't pin her finger on what made her stop to talk to an absolute stranger - wolf ears and tail aside. Or maybe it was the wolf ears and tail. ]

I'm Gracia! You are?


illuminatism May 5 2010, 01:26:07 UTC
[Twitch, twitch.

That is exactly what those wolf ears are doing as Gracia speaks and Amaterasu just takes to watching the girl in silence for a moment. There is a steamed bun in her mouth and it would rude to speak while in the middle of chewing (though, given that Amaterasu sometimes forgets this rule it is an amazing thing when she recalls to do it).

But in the meantime the wolf draws her legs up and beneath her as she pushes herself into a standing position. Getas softly brush against the pier and lightly give a rough clunk when she turns to face the girl. The steamed bun is now long gone - swallowed and filling her up with a content feeling - and Amaterasu gives a light bow of her head in greeting before she opens her mouth to silently offer her name:



Chat gave me the oh-so-bright idea of sticking my nose in this here post ^^; usagidrop May 5 2010, 01:42:06 UTC
[Having just returned from a field herself, Pleinair had decided on taking her own break from things as well. Coming from the city's mercenary district and having found nothing yet of interest in the shops, she turns and walks onto the dock, stopping next to the Adept Rouge and gazing out into the ocean herself.]


oh ho ho, excellent~ >:3 illuminatism May 5 2010, 05:35:54 UTC
[When there is someone standing just to your side it's a little hard to actually ignore such a presence and pretend that they aren't there. Not when shoes and legs and are viewable when one glances out of the corner of their eyes.

But the company did not go by unacknowledged.

Amaterasu raises her head to glance up up the girl before she looks down at the bag of steamed bun (all of which were nearly gone, by now). She continues to stare into the bag in thoughtful deliberation. Perhaps...well, it would be nice...and maybe it would make for a good first impression...

Yes. She nods, picking out a bun and holds it up in offering to the girl.]


usagidrop May 5 2010, 07:03:08 UTC
[The Steam Gunner quickly takes notice, and takes a moment to debate on whether to accept it or not. Finding no reason not to, she sits down and nods, taking the offering. However, she does so with a look of slight uncertainty, not quite sure what to expect of Amaterasu or any other people she might find here; after all, she comes from a place where kicking sentient exploding penguins just for laughs is completely normal-and often expected-behavior.]


illuminatism May 11 2010, 23:51:40 UTC
[The look of uncertainty certainly didn't go by unnoticed and Amaterasu just snorts a little in half-amusement. The way her body shifts, the relaxation of her shoulders and small upward tilt of her head says that there was nothing for the girl to worry about. They were normal buns from one of the many shops with nothing in them that could cause any sort of harm.]


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