(1st iron) ♏ (action/text)

Feb 02, 2011 17:17

[When Vriska wakes, she is not where she expected to be. She doesn't even remember having fallen asleep in the first place, something that certainly would have hindered her actions prior. You can't very well murder in your sleep!]

[But the point is, she's here now, and as she gets up she has very little clue where "here" is. Definitely not their rock in the Veil. All the... everything is an instant clue to that. Not any planet or land she recognizes. But between one thing and another, she very quickly gathers one fact: it's a game. Look at these costumes. Look at the weapons. Look at the shopkeeps. It's obviously not FLARP or Sgrub, and she has no clue what she's supposed to be when she looks down at herself (certainly not a Pettycoat Seagrift), but she knows instantly that she wants all the levels. All of them.]

[Better check what she has on her - and that's how she discovers her Relic. And the fact that she can't access her old stuff.]

What? Level twenty? God damn lousy stupid inventory!

[May as well check who else, if anyone, is here. She needs to get her irons in the fire!]

Heeeeeeeey everyone! Guess who's here now? :::;D
Unless you don't know me. 8ut you will soon enough! I'm sure of it.
Looks like there's a lot of people around, 8ut what a8out any other trolls????????
Terezi? Kanaya? I swear if you're here Kanaya you 8etter not meddle with me!
May8e even that lame tool Eridan?
If you are, you m8y have gotten a head start, 8ut just consider that a kindness from this pl8ce to you. 8ecause soon enough, I'll 8e way ahead of you!
It's inevita8le. Don't fight it.
For now, I GUESS I wouldn't mind any inform8tion you could offer, though.

(homestuck) vriska serket, (homestuck) eridan ampora, !action post, (alive) yuta takizawa, !journal post

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