01 - 3NT3R TH3 WORLD [action]

Jan 13, 2011 21:32

Instead of the dull, gray, dusty old smell of the Veil, Terezi Pyrope found a delightful change in the buffet of her senses. Although she’d much prefer a field of red items, or even her old Hive on Alternia, just being away from the depressing environment of the Veil allowed her to crack her signature smile; with all of her pointy teeth revealed. The last thing she remembered was sniffing at her computer monitor at the death of her green suited human chum, Dave Strider. Although she knew he was not actually dead (there were plenty of other copies), she still felt guilty for bringing his demise-the second time that she had brought a human to his death.

At first she simply wanted to compete with the eight eyed troll, Vriska Serket, by using the boy as a medium, but in the end she saw that the competition wasn’t as exhilarating-when someone got hurt. Her last actions in the Veil included running away from the scene, with tears flowing from her blind burnt out eyes. Next thing she knew, she found herself here in this strange terrain.

She leaned her head forward and started to sniff the place for further details. A blurred vision greeted her to show a town of some sort. She couldn’t tell-after being stuck in the Veil for a while, she found herself unable to completely grasp the terrain. It was also unbearably bright, the reason why she went blind in the first place. Strangely, she didn't feel affected by the brightness.

“H3LLO? 4NYBODY TH3R3?” She yelled. No reply.

Great. Was this the punishment from that gog jegus person that she never understood? Nah. She had killed John and nothing like this happened before.

Confused, she checked through her Scratch and Sniff Sylladex to find that it was not there. Instead, she found a strange device attached to her person. With a quick sniff from the nose, she could tell that it was some sort of computermajig device thing that Sollux was an expert at. She opened her mouth and licked the screen a few times. This allowed her to actually see the screen by using her senses. The icons on the screen confused her, but she pressed one of the random buttons and a thing.

Something popped up on the screen that asked her to write a name. Confused at the mechanisms of this, she wrote in Sollux’s usual name and hoped that it did something. He needed to help her out, being the technology guy and all. Maybe she should've contacted Karkat instead... nah.

(homestuck) terezi pyrope, !action post, (.hack//g.u.) silabus

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