AMC's been sucky and I have no good/funny quote so.....

Dec 30, 2010 21:36

Another All My Children icon post, what else is new?

Some of these were requests so if you think you've seen them before, you probably saw me post them in a comment here or elsewhere.
  • Do not repost
  • Do not claim as your own, credit me please
  • No hotlinking
  • Icons are not bases
  • Comments are always appreciated
  • Do not cross post to FB or Twitter

































Caps from Sweet-Vanity

art: icon/avatars, characters: amc- annie, characters: amc- randi, characters: amc- kendall, ships: jannie, characters: amc- krystal, characters: amc- madison, ships: radison, characters: amc- frankie, actresses: melissa claire egan, characters: amc- jr, tv: all my children, characters: amc- greenlee, characters: amc- brot, ships: kenlee, actresses: alicia minshew, actresses: rebecca budig, art: fanart, ships: rylee, actors: jacob young, actors: cameron mathison

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