7 More Wallpapers...

Dec 23, 2010 18:03

After the disaster that was my grandma's funeral today, I needed to do something that didn't involve drama and what better than doing a wall post I've been meaning to do the last few days? XD Enjoy.


  1. Gossip Girl
  2. All My Children
  3. Robin Hood
  1. Clueless
  2. Empire Records
  1. Ian Somerhalder
  2. Ryan Phillippe
  • Do not repost
  • Do not claim as your own, credit me please
  • No hotlinking
  • Comments are always appreciated

Gossip Girl

All My Children

Robin Hood


Empire Records

Ian Somerhalder

Ryan Phillippe


movies: empire records, actors: ryan phillippe, actors: ian somerhalder, art: wallpaper, characters: amc- griffin, tv: all my children, characters: amc- greenlee, movies: clueless, actresses: rebecca budig, tv: robin hood, art: fanart, tv: gossip girl

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