Yeh I'm bored...

Apr 15, 2010 17:06

Six Names You Go By:
1. Natalia
2. Mole
3. Momo
4. Natty
5. Nutella
6. Nats (only by Mrs Downes as I hate being called it and she ignores this as an excellent head of year does)

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Lovely vintage silky nightgown thing :)
2. Gay pride wrist band
3. Power Rangers watch

Three Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment
1. You to want me
2. To know what love is
3. To have sex on the beach

Three People Who You Hope Will Do The Meme
1. Me
2. Myself
3. The voices

Three Things You Did Last Night
1. Watched Ashes to Ashes
2. Powerhoused it in the gym
3. Made wild and passionate love to a butch lesbian in the park
(one of those may be a lie)

Two People You Last Spoke To On The Phone
1. Jonathan ><
2. Seb - but then it is always Seb in these things

Three Things You're going to do tomorrow
1. Wash my hair for the first time in's alright because I'm black, isn't it.
2. Dance around half naked.
3. Homework...I'm just fucking with you. :P

Three Of Your Favourite Drinks
1. Monster Ripper
2. Victorian Lemonade
3. Pepsi Max

Three Things That Made You Smile Today
1. An interesting (and slightly graphic) talk with Lauren
2. Seeing Jazzmatazz, albeit very briefly
3. Discovering the Ellie Jameson drama...hehehe.


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