Super Junior; KangChulMi; Jealousy

Nov 02, 2008 16:54

Title: Jealousy
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: KangChul/ChulMi/KangMi
Word Count: 1,377
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Zhou Mi and Heechul have a different relationship. Heechul doesn't see the other side.
Genre: Smut/Angst(?)
A/N: So i was in a slump lately (i even wrote a journal entry entitled "slump") and i couldnt write fics or sit down long enough to read them and i was just being weird. But i read a fic that spurred my creativity and now im back, writing and reading and everything is okay for now. I know the pairing seems random, but if you read it it all kinda makes sense why i chose who...anyways, i hope you DO read it :) ugh. i should be doing a study guide....

(P.S. the beginning i took liberty with, in the sense that Zhou Mi has known Heechul not just before Super Junior but before SM, too. I wrote them in school together, he's a transfer student, i guess...idk but its not a major plot point so dont worry about it)

Zhou Mi had always been jealous of Heechul. He was awkwardly cute. Heechul was awkwardly fabulous. He had the wide goofy smile that people cooed over. Heechul had the smile that stopped people, men and women, in their tracks. He couldn’t learn the Wonder Girl’s dances. Heechul could (surprisingly) learn all of them and more. He collected cute, girlish items. Heechul collected cute, girlish fans. He had a loud, happy laugh. Heechul had a loud, charming laugh. They did almost everything the same.

And yet Heechul picked up fangirls left and right, and Zhou Mi picked up “Only 13” comments on his cyworld.

Zhou Mi had always been jealous of Heechul. Before SM, Heechul had better grades. Heechul was popular in school. Heechul wasn’t good at sports, but wasn’t ever teased for it. Heechul was class president. Heechul was the teacher’s favorite. Heechul didn’t come to school, and everybody worried. Heechul spoke, and everybody listened. Heechul led, and everybody followed.

Zhou Mi had always been jealous of Heechul.

But Zhou Mi and Heechul had always been friends. Heechul called him Seasoning, and he called Heechul ridiculous. Heechul came over to his house after school, and Zhou Mi stayed the night over at his.

Heechul was accepted into SM entertainment, and so was Zhou Mi. And that was the one time when Zhou Mi wasn’t quite so jealous of him.

Zhou Mi and Heechul always had a different relationship. They were friends, but after awhile they started to touch. After awhile, they started to kiss. After awhile, they started to fuck. It didn’t matter who was on top or who was on bottom, as long as they were getting off, they didn’t care. Their relationship was always different. Heechul liked their relationship. Zhou Mi said he did too.

After Super Junior formed, Heechul had always had a thing with Kangin. Zhou Mi saw the way he would smack him on the shoulder, Kangin retaliating with a punch to the arm that had Heechul whining and howling about it for days, even though everyone knew he was perfectly fine. He saw the way Kangin would laugh at Heechul’s snarky comments, how he would never get mad at the tantrums or the outbursts of bitchiness, only pretend to. Zhou Mi saw Heechul roll his eyes and call Kangin stupid, then turn around and feed his ego on some talk show while pretending he was mocking him. He saw him fold his legs across his lap whenever they rested on the sofa together, poking him and prodding him and insisting that he just wanted to annoy him, when everyone knew he just wanted to touch him. Zhou Mi saw Heechul slink past Kangin’s door at night, and saw Kangin slide past Heechul’s the next.

Zhou Mi was fine with it. Heechul and him had stopped sleeping together a while ago. It never really ended, technically, just faded away in some silent agreement. Their relationship never suffered, never strained. It stayed the same as if they were still in school, before the touches and the kisses and the moans in the dark. It stayed the same: blended laughs, ease, insecurities, and friendly competition.


Heechul likes Kangin. He never tells him this, but since they’ve already been sleeping together for three months, he figures he already knows (even though he knows Kangin can be incredibly dense at times). Heechul likes Zhou Mi. He’s a great friend, loyal, sweet, silly, and Heechul can be as insane around him as he wants.

Heechul never tells Zhou Mi he’s started seeing Kangin, because they’ve started holding hands around the group members and Eeteuk covers Ryeowook’s ears whenever Heechul says something suggestive and there are suspicious pictures being analyzed into oblivion all over the internet and Heechul knows that Zhou Mi has probably figured it out by now. Heechul knows Zhou Mi doesn’t mind, because their relationship is different, their relationship isn’t like that, with hurt and backstabbing and jealousy.

Heechul is happy with Kangin.


Kangin tends to drink a little too much sometimes. Heechul has always told him he’ll get himself into trouble one day, but Kangin rolls his eyes like every other time Heechul tries to give people advice on their lives.

Zhou Mi likes to cook. He cooks all sorts of stuff, like Chinese and Korean and some sketchy-looking things that make the others exchange worried glances. Zhou Mi has gotten in the habit of cooking late at night, when most of the members have gone to bed. Heechul warns him he’ll get fat if he eats before bed, and Zhou Mi just shrugs and smiles and Heechul just shrugs and goes to sleep.


Kangin is drunk, and something is crawling up his body slowly. He panics a little in his drunken stupor, thinking that it may be a giant squid, because that could totally happen all the time, until he feels a long fingered hand press on the top of his thigh warmly and he calms a little. He peers up from where he’s on the floor against the wall limply, trying to see through the dark, even though the kitchen is brightly lit. Okay, so maybe he does drink a little too much. The blurry face in front of him has a wide smile and short, dark hair in it’s eyes and Kangin feels relief, smiling as the hand on his thigh rubs the thumb in a small, soft circle over his jeans just like Heechul loves to do.

He gasps as the hand on his thigh moves higher, pressing the pad of the thumb on the inside of his thigh, dangerously close to his growing erection, and Kangin can feel the warm body slink up his torso. His smile pulls at the side of his mouth teasingly, lopsided, as a kiss is pressed to his lips, a tongue darting out to sweep along the bottom, the thumb pressing harder, higher.

“Heechul, stop teasing…” Kangin groans out.

Heechul seems to comply, and Kangin is amused because he apparently wants this more than he does, because Heechul generally doesn’t give in so easily. His zipper echoes in the kitchen and long fingers ease their way past, slipping under the waistband of his boxers.

Kangin doesn’t remember passing out, he only remembers feeling rather sated, full with late night food, beer, and soju, and he remembers the light feeling of falling before nothing. And now he’s getting some. Excellent.

A tight heat surrounds his cock and he lets out a thick moan. Two hands press themselves on his chest, the thumbs rubbing small circles again, this time over his nipples. Kangin reaches up and grips the thin hips in front of him, fingers digging in hard enough to leave bruises, and he tosses his head back as Heechul moves. Kangin can feel his breathing getting heavier, hear the pants echo in the kitchen, even though he tries to keep as quiet as possible, because the other members are sleeping. Heechul doesn’t seem to care about being quiet or discreet though, moaning and whimpering louder than usual as he rides Kangin fast and hard. Kangin bucks up, hands in fists at his side on the cold kitchen tile with nothing to grab onto. Heechul bounces in his lap, faster, faster, thighs clenching on the side of him, hands clenching on his chest, body clenching around him. Kangin throws his head back and moans, his chest heaving, eyes squeezed shut as he gets nearer and nearer. Kangin can’t hear the footsteps coming down the hall.

Heechul stands in the doorway to the kitchen, shock and hurt and sadness carved into his beautiful features. His mouth is slightly open as he surveys the scene in front of him, takes in the source of the moans that woke him from a blissful sleep and brought him padding out of his room into a nightmare. He’s barefoot, but he can’t feel the cold tile on the soles of his feet. His arms hang limp at his sides. He chokes back a soft, sad, sob.

Zhou Mi looks over his bare shoulder, looks back at Heechul from where he sits in Kangin’s lap, and there’s triumph in his eyes.

Zhou Mi has always been jealous of Heechul.

Started/Finished: 11.02.08

fic, rating: nc-17, genre: smut, character: heechul, character: zhou mi, character: kangin, pairing: kangchul, fandom: super junior

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