Super Junior; YeChul; You Were Only Good Because I Was Drunk

Oct 04, 2008 12:55

Title: You Were Only Good Because I Was Drunk
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: YeChul
Word Count: 1,550
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Heechul gets Yesung drunk. And you know what happens when Heechul gets people drunk....(not in the smut way)
Genre: crack!/humor/fluff(?)
A/N: lol so this is the newest fic in the holyschmouse216 fic battle and its kind of crack. Uhhh i dont really know what to write for this one, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I did some research on Yesung for this fic :D lol. And now because of it i love him 2315798659165 x more. Yesung, youre an idiot.


[but ilu for it. ♥]

**note: they're in the studio to Yesung's radio show. It ruins the first sentence so i didn't do scene set up. sorry!**

Once again, Heechul had successfully managed to get one of his band members completely and utterly falling-over-themselves drunk. This ought to be a profession, or something, Heechul thought. This time, the victim was poor, innocent Yesung. Well, not so much innocent, since he was the one who caused Heechul to get him drunk in the first place, if only to stop his rambling on how nobody pays attention to him, damnit.

“HYUng…” Yesung half shouts, slurring the rest of the word, and his eyes tried to focus unevenly on a spot 3 feet to the right of Heechul, who was sitting facing him. He blinked, crosseyed, at the wall for a moment, finger pointing out at the blank stretch of plaster limply. His eyes shifted, trying to regain focus. It didn’t work. “Hyung-“ he said again. “I’m…I’m fuckin’…on my own show…and and--you know the one…my…my radio show. It’s my show. An-and I’m not even on it.” Yesung said this last statement with the air of someone proving a solid and profound fact, slapping his hand down on the table and nodding his head once decisively.

“YO MAN,” Heechul attempted at English, the words more slurred in his drunken state and coming out more like “phol-gwan”. He returned to Korean. “What are you talking about, Yesungie?”

“FUCKIN’ YES I’m the man!” Yesung exclaimed, mishearing him. “And people…people should…know that.” Yesung stretched out an arm blindly for another can of soju. Judging on the way he was swaying slightly and by the way the conversation was going (or not going at all, for that matter), Heechul decided that if Yesung had another he would probably die from alcohol poisoning, and he really didn’t want to deal with another of Leeteuk’s disapproving glares. Then there would be the whole deal of accidentally killing a band member, and he figured the consequences would be rather tedious, so he’d rather not. Heechul then reached over and removed the pack of cans out of the reach of the searching fingertips, and looked at Yesung sternly. At least he could still see 2 feet in front of his face.

“Of course people know that. Why wouldn’t they?” Heechul frowned at him, before suddenly pitching to the left, having to steady himself with a hand on the table. He was drunker than he thought.

Yesung giggled and imitated him, accidentally making himself fall over. Once he picked himself back up off the floor, he looked at Heechul glumly. “Nobody…pays attention…to me” he hiccupped. “I’m on my own…fuckin’ show…an the cam…camera…focuses on you.”

“Well, that’s because I’m gorgeous” Heechul said flippantly, tossing his hair before smirking teasingly at Yesung. The grin slipped from his face instantly though at the rather depressed look on Yesung’s face. Oh shit, thought Heechul, he’s serious. “…Yesung.” Heechul stressed, and Yesung laboriously lifted his heavy eyes to Heechuls from where they were examining his right foot.

“Hnng?” Yesung gurgled.

“Yesung,” Heechul said again, more firmly, and Yesung’s eyes focused on his hyung’s face. He was listening. “I know you think you’re boring. I know you think no one pays attention to you. I know you think you have no fans, and that you don’t bring anything to the band but a mediocre singing voice. But--”

Yesung frowned slightly. “How do you know all that?” he asked, interrupting Heechul. Heechul’s mouth opened and he paused, eyes shifting for a second.

“I read your journal. Diary. Whatever. But-“

“WHAT? Hyung-“ Yesung began angrily, but Heechul interrupted him.

“It’s my duty as a hyung. I’m surrounded by a group of men, and the male species is known for not sharing its feelings, the exceptions being Ryeowook, Eeteuk, and Sungmin. Anyway,” Heechul continued, drowning out Yesung’s further attempts at protest. “Don’t--don’t think about stuff like that.”

Yesung’s eyes lowered. He knew he shouldn’t think that way, knew it wasn’t good for group morale, but sometimes when he searched his name on the internet and only 2 pages came up, he couldn’t help it. “But its true.”

A hand reached out and gripped his shoulder tightly. “No, its not.” Heechul said firmly. “Yesung…you’re so important to this band, do you know that? And it’s not just because you have a ridiculously amazing voice. You’re funny.” Heechul watched as Yesung’s eyelids on his lowered eyes fluttered once. “You are. Your impressions are impeccable. Even Kibum couldn’t do them as good as you can, and he’s supposed to be the actor. And I know you have so much to say in all the interviews, you just need to say it. It’s hard to be heard over 12 other members. If you want to talk, just kick one of them in the shin during an interview and I’ll promise they’ll shut up. It works with Siwon, at least…”

Yesung lifted his eyes to Heechul’s, only to find the other boy’s dark eyes boring into his, sharp and clear, but most of all sincere. Yesung looked the ceiling, trying to swallow the hot tickling rising in his throat, and nodded silently. Heechul’s eyes ran over his face one more time before he was satisfied that Yesung was taking his words to heart.

“Now,” said Heechul, pushing another can of soju back at the already unstable younger boy, “I’ve decided we’re going to make you a camera-whore.” He smiled wickedly. “Drink up.”


The next morning, Yesung woke up with what seemed like a nail hammered through his skull. It took him a moment to realize that this was what people called a hangover (not that he never drank before, but this…he didn’t know how Heechul did it). It took him considerably longer, as he lay in bed, pillow smashed over his face to block out the filtering rays of sunlight, just exactly what happened the night before and why. Then he came to a horrifying recollection of an equally horrifying face.


A loud round of laughter exploded from the living room, threatening to split Yesung’s throbbing head in two, or maybe even five. He scrunched his eyes shut, but when that didn’t help anything, he decided to go tell the others to shutthefuckup because it was only…(Yesung peered at his alarm clock blearily)…two in the afternoon.

…Well, they should know better anyway.

He groaned hoarsely and rolled out of bed, swaying slightly as he stood up. He padded out into the living room in red plaid flannel pajamas, wincing at the glaring afternoon sun streaming through the windows. The others seemed to notice his arrival, because they all looked around at him, grinning and leering in a way he couldn’t miss, even in his half-awake, still half-drunk stupor. Yesung saw that it was Ryeowook, Sugnmin, Kangin, Kibum, and Heechul all crowded around the computer. Heechul, he thought again.

“What are you all looking at?”

The five of them all crowded around the screen, faces pressed close, answered in unison. “You.”

Yesung woke up a little bit more, slightly wary. “What about me…?”

Heechul shot a grin at him that had his stomach twisting uncomfortably. “You got a little carried away last night, and it’s all over the fucking Internet. Thanks to me.” Yesung's stomach dropped and he bolted to the computer, shoving Heechul aside as the older cackled loudly, full of glee at the havoc he had successfully wreaked. Again.

A large picture of Yesung power-sliding on his knees, lifting one side of his shirt up with one hand, flashing a nipple, and the other in a “rock on” sign next to his tongue sticking out of his open mouth as he winked littered the search page. The image was duplicated over and over and over, and seemed to have been plastered on every website or blog devoted to K-pop. Some captions read Omg Yesung-ssi is so hot! while others read OMGWTFBBQ. Still other comments were just incoherent streams of letters, like a baby playing with a keyboard. One particular comment titled YESUNG STRIPS caught his eye for one terrifying moment before he realized it was just referring to the same picture.

“Hyung…” he said faintly, Heechul grinning widely at him from the floor where he was shoved in Yesung’s rush to the computer. “What did I do last night?”

“I think it would be in the best interests of your sanity if I didn’t tell you that, Yesungie,” Heechul said, infuriating smugness radiating in his voice.

“And why did you put that picture on the Internet?” Yesung asked, horrified.

“You’re a bit of an attention whore, Yesungie, if you don’t already know,” Heechul said, voice leaking superiority. “Although I pull it off better. You were only good because you were drunk.”

“Oh-my-God-hyung-I’m-going-to-kill-you.” Yesung deadpanned, eyes closing in an effort to remain calm. At least all the commotion had taken his mind off his splitting headache.

“Not yet. That’s only one of the pictures!” Heechul trilled gleefully from the floor.

Yesung absentmindedly wondered if the slogan only 12 would go over well with the fangirls, on the off chance he murdered Heechul in his sleep.

(Later that night: “HYUNG I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU.” Heechul smirked. He had hidden the camera where he knew no one would ever dare to go: the drawer where he kept his sex toys. Yesung wasn’t that desperate for those pictures.)


rating: pg-13, genre: crack, fic, genre: fluff, genre: humor, character: heechul, character: yesung, fandom: super junior, holyschmouse216 fic battle

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