Super Junior; Journal; Eeteuk

Nov 24, 2009 15:24

Title: Journal
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Eeteuk!central
Word Count: 504
Rating: PG
Summary: Eeteuk started his own club, recently, you know.
Genre: Angst
A/N: I haven't posted in so long I can't remember what order I put the header info in. Ummm this sounds like a really depressing post but it's really just me throwing words onto the paper and seeing how they fall. I wrote it literally in 15 minutes (no really, fifteen. literally.), so we'll see how it turns out. Somewhat inspired by the trailer for Lovely Bones and the song Possibility. Originally from Heechul's POV until halfway through. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet, or if it says everything I want it to. Test-run fic, haha.

I can't help but want it

I really love this song. I honestly think you should listen to it.

ummm., genre: angst, fic, drabbles, rating: pg, fandom: super junior, character: eeteuk

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