Super Junior; Haesica; Because He Loves Her

Aug 26, 2009 20:01

Title: Because He Loves Her
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: HaeSica
Word Count: 1458
Rating: PG-13
Summary: You know all you Haesica angsters? This one has a semi-happy ending.
Genre: fluff, sap
A/N: HAHA! You see, I read lots of Haesica, and it all ends with the BREAKUP! And the HEARTBREAK! Well today, THAT ENDS HERE. Sort of. In a nutshell, we'll say it's Donghae's favorite au. See, now I'm giving stuff away. I wrote this super quick, because it was meiface's birthday yesterday, and because loveslipped's birthday fic inspired me. I was originally going to write a deliciously smutty Kihae, but it turned into this fluffy sappy piece of marshmallow junk. My street cred is totally going out the window. We'll see if that Kihae turns up somewhere between now and bedtime. (hint: it involves an elevator. or would, if it was written.)

*for meiface, because I stalk her she's awesome and I should repay her fic for all the goodies I get from her own.

**inspired by loveslipped's fic, except without the growing and the understanding because I want my shippage. ♥

Her skin is soft, the miniscule hairs on the back of her neck and her arms standing on end as they kiss words into each other’s mouth.

donghae rules my life, fandom: snsd, i'm so hungry i could eat siwon, loveslipped, genre: sap, fic, genre: fluff, bias bias bias rocking everywhere, character: donghae, character: jessica, pairing: haesica, birthday, pimp post, fandom: super junior, lack of sleep has become my life

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