Super Junior; Haesica; Because He Loves Her

Aug 26, 2009 19:42

Title: Because He Loves Her
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: HaeSica
Word Count: 1458
Rating: PG-13
Summary: You know all you Haesica angsters? This one has a semi-happy ending.
Genre: fluff, sap
A/N: HAHA! You see, I read lots of Haesica, and it all ends with the BREAKUP! And the HEARTBREAK! Well today, THAT ENDS HERE. Sort of. In a nutshell, we'll say it was Donghae's favorite au. See, now I'm giving stuff away. I wrote this super quick, because it's meiface's birthday yesterday, and because loveslipped's birthday fic inspired me. I was originally going to write a deliciously smutty Kihae, but it turned into this fluffy sappy piece of marshmallow junk. My street cred is totally going out the window. We'll see if that Kihae turns up somewhere between now and bedtime. (hint: it involves an elevator. or would, if it was written.)

*for meiface, because I stalk her she's awesome and I should repay her fic for all the goodies I get from her own.

**inspired by loveslipped's fic, except without the growing and the understanding because I want my shippage. ♥

There’s a scandal when the news breaks, but no one pays attention to it. Heechul kindly takes it upon himself to be overly outrageous on Come To Play the morning after, talking about members who shower together unnecessarily and interrupting any question that borders on now-not-so-secret idol to idol relationships. He also takes it upon himself to act like a martyr for it for the rest of the week, imperiously ordering the twelve of them to bring him snacks and chocopies and the like in a long-suffering voice of invisible pain. They all oblige. No one likes a scandal that lasts longer than it’s supposed to, especially if it involves preteens turned against them.

Donghae thinks the whole thing is ridiculous. When the pictures of him and Jessica spread, the uproar is bigger than he anticipated. He had read the blog in the tense silence of the kitchen, no one speaking, eyes talking behind his back. There were three pictures splashed dramatically across the gossip page detailing their date, red circles painted around clasped hands and fleeting touches. How they managed to take them, he didn’t know. Donghae merely sipped his coffee and handed Sungmin’s computer back, shrugging.

“What are we supposed to do?” they wanted to know.

“What can we do?” he had said simply.

But when they leave the building to head to the studio, there are girls waiting; some crying, holding banners with his face on them and hearts around it, some screaming, and a small group of the rest chanting something awful he blocks out. He thinks he see’s a poster of her face, a giant ‘X’ through it, but he turns the other way, even though they can’t see him through the heavy tint on the windows. No one says anything, but Heechul makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat.

(Eeteuk is secretly glad Heechul’s passenger-side window is locked, but only a little. For the PD’s sake, of course.)

They reach the studio and Donghae spends fifteen minutes on the phone with her in a corner. The members smile to themselves, because when the scandal dies down in a few weeks, the sunshine will be a little bit brighter in the dorm.


They were right.

Jessica comes over frequently, Sunny and Tiffany in tow, and they have dinner or watch movies or sometimes, when it’s just her, Donghae disappears into his bedroom with her and a snap of the door. Eunhyuk has traded him the small, single room, moving in with Eeteuk as an early birthday present to Donghae. Donghae smiles at him like the world just got flipped upside down (and that it was fun, rather than unsettling) and gives him a crushing hug with his new just-for-Jessica muscles he’s been working on. Eunhyuk chokes and rolls his eyes. Eeteuk chokes and opens new air-freshener when Eunhyuk takes off his socks that night.

They’re happy one of them can have a life outside of being an idol. They ignore the irony that his life IS an idol, and one with a pretty smile and legs a mile long. They do everything they can to help it along.


Donghae treats her like a princess.

He takes her to Lotte World for their 100th day. He calls her at two in the morning after practice lets out to say goodnight. Sometimes, he brings her take-out if she’s still practicing too. He buys her flowers and drives all the way to whichever show or radio or set she’s on for the day, just to press a warm kiss to her cheek. She eats it up.

He loves her.

He tries to tell her on their one-year, takes her to a swanky dinner that’s probably too expensive, but she stops him before he can.

She puts her hand on his.

He looks up, into her eyes, the way she’s looking at him. Her eyebrows are creased in the middle, just a little, and there’s a little line he wants to kiss away for her. She looks down at the hand in her lap, fiddling with the edge of the tablecloth.


He puts his other hand on top of hers, flips it over delicately, taking her hand between his. It’s small and bird-like, long fragile fingers with manicured nails. He’s pressed them to his cheek thousands of time, an invisible mark in his skin he can feel when he misses her at night. He cradles her hand between his oversized ones, and it fits perfectly. He looks into her eyes.

She worries her lip, millions of unsaid things locked behind dark eyelashes.

“I love you,” she whispers.

Donghae kisses her across the table, pulling her hand to his heart with his own. He wraps his other hand around the back of her neck, silky strands of auburn in-between like autumn sunshine you can hold. Her skin is soft, the miniscule hairs on the back of her neck and her arms standing on end as they kiss words into each other’s mouth. Her lips taste like salt when her heart bursts and spills over her eyes, down her cheek, and Donghae takes all of it, all of her heart.

She gives it willingly. She loves him.

He loves her. His heart aches because he loves her.


“Oppa…” Jessica breathes, her fingers warm on Donghae’s skin. They dig into the line of his arm in time to the hitch in her breath.

Donghae sinks his teeth gently into the curve where her neck meets shoulder, smooth and perfect. His tongue rasps across the skin and she gasps. His hand cradles her hip securely, a strong presence anchoring her to sanity. She loves the feel of him, gently protecting-steadfast, unwavering. Like his heart.

His skin burns and he pants. She pushes against him, a whimper slipping through her lips, and she tosses her head back onto the pillow, breathless. He slides a hand up her thigh, drawing a sigh from her, and she closes her eyes. Donghae presses kisses up her neck, over her jaw, across her cheek, taking her bottom lip between her teeth and tugging ever so gently. Her hips press up into his at the same time his tongue presses into her mouth and she sighs, she sighs, she sighs over and over again.

His hands leave her hips and he runs them up her sides, dipping and curving with the planes of her body. The friction of the t-shirt’s material lifts the second time, his hands sliding under smoothly, warm and just a hint of rough on her skin. He takes the shirt over her arms gently, lowering her head slowly in one hand and when she opens her eyes, he’s looking over her face like a painter over a work of magnificent art.

He loves her.

Donghae drinks her in, eyes roving over her face slowly, memorizing, and she does the same to him. He blinks when he feels fingertips on his cheek, and he comes back to her eyes. Jessica is looking at him in wonder, at the set of his cheekbones, the trace of his lips. She’s looking at him like she’s the luckiest person in the world and she doesn’t want the fortune to run out.

She loves him.

He pulls her face forward and kisses her, kisses her lips, her heart, her breast, her hip, and she makes noises he’s only imagined. His fingers venture nervously under the sharp elastic leg of her panties and her fingers at the tips of his hair reassure him.

He takes his time. He takes her heart.


Donghae wakes up, breath in his throat and her name on his lips. He opens his eyes, taking in the room he shares with Eeteuk. His heart sinks and he smiles sadly. He takes one of his pillows from behind his head, wraps his arms around it, buries his face in it and inhales. It still smells like her.

It’s his favorite dream. He waits for it most nights, heart skipping in anticipation. The one where they’re happy, the one where they never had that conversation and she never stopped loving him. The one where his imagination takes them farther than they’ve ever gone, into scandal and beyond, past entertainment and into meeting his parents, his father loving her, farther and farther into a big proposal but a small wedding, into a life with a daughter and matching hearts.

Tonight, he didn’t get that far, but that’s only less to come down from. He smiles into the fabric of the pillow.

She loves him.
He loves her. His heart aches because he loves her.

Still the same. He still loves her. His heart still aches.

Because he loves her.

started/finished: 08.26.09

pairing: haesica, character: donghae, fandom: super junior, genre: fluff, character: jessica, genre: sap, fandom: snsd

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