lols. oh the creative process and talking about it with bffery.

Jun 17, 2009 02:33

upon being struck with inspiration, (thanks to my strange and eccentric mother), schm0use and i were talking online and i had to send her an excerpt. I AMUSE MYSELF, OKAY? dont give me that look. >:|

Nicknameless: soo... whatcha up to
CRYP: writing
CRYP: kangin fails at herbology
Nicknameless: lawl
Nicknameless: thats fitting
CRYP: A handful of petals fell off Kangin’s solarflower. “Stop it.” Kangin ordered his plant, clearly irritated. Herbology was obviously not his strong suit.
CRYP: it is
Nicknameless: haha "stop it."
CRYP: but then so does Hankyung
CRYP: lol i got the inspiration from my mother
CRYP: she was fixing the sunflowers and petals fell off every time she touched it
CRYP: and she glared at it and said "STOP IT."
CRYP: i loled
Nicknameless: hahaha

CRYP: Hankyung and Kangin were having a bit more difficulty with their plants. Hankyung’s was smoking ever so slightly, and he was completely bewildered as to when and how that had even started. Siwon was prodding at it, trying to figure out what was wrong. Kangin’s solarflower was a sickly mustard yellow and he was flipping through his book, Herbology For the Good, Bad, and the Just Plain Useless - Volume 5, scowling at his plant as petals floated sadly to the ground every so often.
CRYP: lol i like the fail
Nicknameless: hahaha i can just see hankyung
Nicknameless: like
Nicknameless: *bends under table to do something*
Nicknameless: *stands back up*
Nicknameless: *plant is smoking*
CRYP: lolol exactly
Nicknameless: hankyung: ....what-
Nicknameless: and it just gets worse
Nicknameless: llolololol
CRYP: lol as he starts getting more and more flustered
Nicknameless: now im imagining it like, billowing smoke
Nicknameless: and hes totally obscured
Nicknameless: like in the corner
Nicknameless: you just see this black cloud
CRYP: arms flailing
Nicknameless: and hes like OH GOD
CRYP: lololololol
CRYP: im so glad youre in my head
Nicknameless: lolololol im lol-ing so hard at this image now
Nicknameless: nobody paying any attention
Nicknameless: and then theres kangin
Nicknameless: like D:
CRYP: lol his plant is just plain dying.
CRYP: it needs medical help
Nicknameless: lol poor plant

lolz, msn at ungodly hours of the morning, why is my life so hard, wtf, schm0use, ramblings

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