Happy Gum-Showing Day

Apr 03, 2009 12:06

So this is the first birthday post ive managed to do in a long time, especially on time, and that was on accident lol. Lucky i check SJ-World frequently because if you get behind in there, well. theres a lot to catch up on. Anyways, here goes.

yah, you better feel lucky

this is the first birthday post ive done in a long time and its not even for one of mine.

but lets be honest.

we started out, and our relationship was rocky. i didnt pick you to be one of mine, and neither did schmouse. that was a long time a go, back when we were still innocent, young, new to fandom, and actually had things i like to call lives. so anyways, we started out...probably on the wrong foot.

but then i found sukira, spammed the hell out of schmouse after she left me to go run willy-nilly all over friggin japan without me (because despite appearances and height, i am in fact her 동생). and well, thats when you kind of exploded into our lives. she was all over you, to my confusion, because the one thing i could only remember from that sukira spammage was you in that ridiculous frog's hat. ...and thats about it.

but now look at you! youve found your way through schmouse's life and straight into mine, like a ninja. a really faily, skinny, gum-showing ninja. youve wormed your way into my fics, into my thoughts, into my spams, into my flails, and straight into my heart. and way before this silly birthday post, but way after we first found you in the jumble of limbs and faces that is super junior, ive come to terms with the fact that, had schmouse not snatched you up in the second round of boy-snagging, well....

i would pick you.

yep i would pick you and deal with all of your weird, cope with all of your fail, and suffer through all of those "hyukjae, why are you like this" moments. and love you for them.

so, behind schmouse's back, i do. i carry on a teeny bitsy love affair with you and thats okay, because donghae approves. and to make up for it, i make you a slut and present you to her in fic, so everything works out okay.

but hyukjae, the point of this post is not to get me in trouble with schmouse, which it probably will. no, its to wish you a very happy, happy, gum-showing birthday. please dear, eat some cake. but not too much, because we dont want you to end up like kangin. but i hope everyone gets to see your cute little gums today over and over and over again. thats my wish for today, for your birthday. i want everyone to see how beautiful your smile is.

생일 축하합니다♥

birthdays, fandom: super junior

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