
Oct 18, 2011 10:09

in a few hours I am going to an interview for Texas Roadhouse which is currently being built a few miles away in the Pavilion. It opens in November and they just put up the Hiring signs a few days ago. The guy told me they've only hired about 5 people so far so hopefully if I get in early enough there will still be plenty of slots to fill.
You may recall I've stated clearly on numerous occasions that I don't want to work in a restaurant anymore but honestly with Christmas coming up I need to log some hours SOMEwhere just to get a little cash flow for presents. Not like one month is going to let me build up a huge wad of cash but at least I'll be able to buy a few things.
I have read a few things about this place and it seems all right because they actually offer benefits and insurance to their employees, and after a year, paid vacation time! Which is crazy and no restaurant I have ever worked at did that. And it will be super crazy busy because of the location, so. Also I think it's weird that the one word I really struggle to spell almost every time is restaurant. arg! I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty good with spelling, but I can't spell restaurant? Every time I have written it in this entry the red squiggle came on underneath because it was spelled incorrectly!

Johnny and I had lots of plans today but of course something has to happen so he can't be here. His dog, Raime, an Akita, is being put to sleep today. He gave Raime to his grandmother when his grandfather passed away, to keep her company and to give her something to focus on. She has really really spoiled that dog rotten. But Raime is 12 or 13 now, and has trouble walking, and sleeps most of the day, and has been on pain medication for awhile now. SO it's just the right thing to do, I guess.
Do you guys ever think about that in terms of people? Like, oh well, grandma was getting old and had lots of medical problems and was in pain, so we killed her. I guess some people have done that (coughDr.Kevorkiancough) but when you think about it that way it sounds crazy!
Anyway so Johnny is probably going to be spending the day with her, I'm sure she is going to be very very very upset. Poor Raime! They are doing it right now. :O( I can't be mad cuz that's a bummer, but can I be mad that something ALWAYS happens so that I can't follow through with my plans? bah humbug.

A few days ago I was curling my hair and I burned the shiiiiit out of my neck. My mom said it looks like a hickey so now I have to figure out a way to wear my hair to hide it. Hello, side pony! hah Also I tried out some new red lipstick and it looked like Bozo the Clown dropped over to say hi. I can't wear red, my lips are too big. Stupid puffer lips, I don't know why 'bee stung' lips are so popular, I think they are ridiculous!

dog, johnny, jobs, interview

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