Oct 17, 2011 11:20
this morning I cooked up a storm. tons of turkey bacon and scrambled eggs and pancakes, plus I fixed Johnny's lunch (two BLTS) and it was a little chaotic. Cooking is hard cuz the babies literally hang onto my legs so going back and forth in the kitchen wearing two kid 'sock's' is an adventure! lol
Last night was The Walking Dead! By some miracle Lily fell asleep about 3 minutes before it came on. And Ella was with daddy in the bedroom (he doesn't usually watch that show) so I was able to watch it. ewww. I don't normally like scary movies so I don't know why I love that show so much. I do like Zombies, though. I just watched the webisodes, has anyone seen them? They show the backstory on that legless zombie woman that Rick (first?) encounters. I thought they were even more graphic than the show! The tongue bit... I couldn't watch that. Yuck! But, awesome! So sad about the mom, what the hell? I wouldn't end like that, no matter what!
I had ridiculous dreams about sex like alllll night long. It was bizarre. A lot of my dreams are like movies, and I'm not in them at all. I'm not sure if it was me or not this time. But basically what I remember was it was some crazy alien world except the aliens just looked like people. And some scientists traveled to this world and explored and stuff, and set up like a tourist-y thing so other people could come visit every couple of years or something. But something happens and the plants that these aliens rely on to survive start dying, so they are desperate to get the attention of some of these Earth tourists so they can help. I remember the tourists looking through glass walls at the aliens, like at the zoo. But they can't hear them! And so some of the aliens escape from the exhibit/preserve thing and try to find a way to travel to Earth to tell them and get help. ok, and sprinkle crazy sex all throughout that, and that was my dream. Wha?? hahaha I don't even.
I think tomorrow is supposed to be cold and I'm excited! I used to really hate cold weather cuz I just can't deal, but I like it now because of the things it means in fashion! I get to wear cute boots and leggings with adorable dresses and cardigans and coats and stuff! hahah It is way way way too hot to think about wearing any of that stuff usually so I love that I get a chance to do it. I want to get some new boots this year, I don't even have any anymore, I don 't think. I want some fringe-y cowgirl boots! if you're looking for some cute, cheap boots, try Alloy.com. Although it sucks you can't try them on first! ok that's all lots to do!
Because yesterday we went to Johnny's mom's old house and she basically said, take whatever! Since she can't fit anymore stuff in her tiny apartment, so we have to rent a UHaul tomorrow so we can get all the stuff! We brought back smaller things yesterday. We're taking a bed and a big tv and lots of cabinets and tables and things. Some of it I like but a lot of it is too 'country' for my taste, so we're just going to sell it. And there is thousands of dollars worth of stuff there! Gail is too lazy or too busy to do it herself, maybe both. we will give her a cut even though we are going to do all the work, but that's fine, since it IS all her stuff. I will take pictures later to show you all what I am talking about!