Title: Sea Dog, or, the Fantastical Adventures of the Fearsome Pirate, Captain (Sir) Sherlock, Terror of the Spanish Main and Defender of the Realm
impulsereader Artist:
almost_clara Characters/Pairings: Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: Those with delicate sensibilities or weak nerves ought probably to fortify themselves with a cup of strong tea before viewing; these
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1a : based on fantasy : not real
b : conceived or seemingly conceived by unrestrained fancy
c : so extreme as to challenge belief : unbelievable; broadly : exceedingly large or great
2: marked by extravagant fantasy or extreme individuality : eccentric
3: fantastic : excellent, superlative
Seriously, this is fabulous and gorgeous. I think my favorite bit is where Sherlock has inserted his little cartoon self into the dinghy (he's actually willing to do some piratical grunt work!) and then bringing up the tail end getting back onto the ship. It's all amazing - the maps and the ships and the text! And he's still willing to accept the knighthood at this point - even if it is Boring!
The layers and the over-all scope of the piece are all just blowing me away.
In general - Squee! Thank you so very, very much anon artist! I love it to bits and I cannot believe it was made just for me! I hope you are having a very Happy Holmestice. :-)
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