Title: Sea Dog, or, the Fantastical Adventures of the Fearsome Pirate, Captain (Sir) Sherlock, Terror of the Spanish Main and Defender of the Realm
impulsereader Artist:
almost_clara Characters/Pairings: Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: Those with delicate sensibilities or weak nerves ought probably to fortify themselves with a cup of strong tea before viewing; these are thrilling adventures indeed.
Notes: I am indebted to Project Gutenberg, Wikipedia, and various picture libraries on the Internet for collage materials, picture references and sundry piratical resources.
Beta by the brilliant and very kind
fabelschwester , whose advice was absolutely invaluable.
impulsereader requested some art to go with her
http://impulsereader.livejournal.com/tag/here%20there%20be%20pirates Pirate!Sherlock Stories as she felt that the whole thing played out in her head as a graphic novel. This began as a piece of artwork to fit in with those delightful stories but regrettably, it was firmly snatched by the child Sherlock, who had his own ripping yarn to spin. I hope it still pleases...