Wicked Mary

May 27, 2012 12:47

Hello Yet again.  I have been doing alot of reading this weekend and i was just rereading a great Canon AU called Due Supression by CylenDelMar.   In this story Mary is evil women who blackmails Watson into marrying her.  I was wondering if anyone knows of other stories where Mary is not nice and sweet, but trouble for John and Sherlock. Either she is cheating, blackamialing, etc...  Can be from Bookverse, movieverse, old or new tv-verese.  Sherlock can come to the rescue or John can save himself. Either is okay, but I love fun happy Slash Endings, although gen with strong bromance is just fine.

Thanks again everyone,


character: mary morstan, character: john watson, character: sherlock holmes, search: fanfic, genre: angst

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