Title: The Case of the Dead Man’s Secret
the_arc5Pairing: There is het and slash, and anything else is spoilery.
Word Count: ~2700, plus bonus material
Rating/Warnings: R, for character death, violence, and mild sexuality. Some bonus material is NC-17, but has its own separate post. Spoilers for "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House."
Notes: See fic masterlist.
Summary: After Holmes' death, Watson is faced with a case he must solve on his own, a case that threatens to destroy him and everything he holds dear.
"My dear fellow..." by
soliandxpyne The Case of the Dead Man's Secret - A Fanmix, by
whochick Chapter List EDIT: The link to
soliandxpyne's art seems to be finicky. The link on the fic masterpost works, if my fix gives out. I also added a link to the chapter listing instead of a link straight to the prologue. My apologies for HTML fail.