Title: The Flying Empire
Wordcount: 35K
Rating: Teen
Pairing(s): Holmes/Watson
Warning(s): Some violence (guns).
Notes: I owe a mountain of thanks to
darthneko, who produced
the amazing accompanying art despite computer troubles at the eleventh hour--please do take the time to leave a comment on DA if you like it as much as I do! Many thanks as well to
emily_shore for the incisive beta, and the Baedeker's. More info about the background for this fic can be found
at this post, which has major spoilers. (The title comes from an early story treatment for Laputa: Castle in the Sky.)
Summary: Holmes takes a case that leads him into contact with Countess Ada Lovelace as well as direct conflict with a controversial but well-placed officer of His Majesty's Aery, to Scotland and back to London via the skies above.
The Flying Empire on the AO3. Illustration here on DA by