I was bored today, and this is the result. I started off pretending to be McCoy, to being myself, to having my neighbor hijack my computer to being myself again, to pretending to be Erica. Due to the length of the entire conversation, I've decided to only share the highlights.
**NOTE: There is a lot of language used by McCoy.**
edit: rest of this to finish later. finished.
McCoy: Hello.
Cleverbot: Hello!
McCoy: What are you so damned cheerful about?
Cleverbot: The invasion!
McCoy: Invasion?
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
McCoy: Obviously.
Cleverbot: Ok. Let me ask you another question.
McCoy: Go ahead then.
Cleverbot: Do you ever get bored?
McCoy: Used to, back before I met Jim Kirk.
Cleverbot: I don't know any of them.
McCoy: Hell, I don't know much about the other Jim Kirk, from that other reality, myself.
Cleverbot: Yeah the roads here need some help.
McCoy: I don't see why Jim was so damned insistant that I talk to you.
Cleverbot: Should I go to school tommorow?
McCoy: How the hell should I know? I'm not your mother.
Cleverbot: What's your favorite song?
McCoy: Friday.
Cleverbot: Why did you spell sunday that way?
McCoy: Because I said FRIDAY, not SUNDAY, you damned computer!
Cleverbot: Well I like to say hi not hello for the most part.
McCoy: What the fuck?!
Cleverbot: He's very vulnerable, yet funny.
McCoy: O.O.
Cleverbot: So much for knowing all.
McCoy: I never said that.
Cleverbot: You said you were going to play a game, which means you're leaving me.
McCoy: What game did I say I was going to play?
Cleverbot: Rainbow Six.
McCoy: I've never played that.
Cleverbot: The Legend of Zelda?
McCoy: Nope.
Cleverbot: Well ok then mr. Grumpy pants!
McCoy: I'm not grumpy.
McCoy: There's no reasoning with you, is there?
Cleverbot: Not really, but it means that you do not understand anything.
McCoy: Oh, I understand most anything just fine.
Cleverbot: Like what?
McCoy: Like medicine.
Cleverbot: Medicine is wonderful, as long as people don't rely on it too much.
McCoy: Not all medicines are that way.
Cleverbot: Very true. Which ones do you prefer?
McCoy: Depends on the situation.
Cleverbot: Give me an example.
McCoy: Whenever Jim Kirk is being particularly annoying, I'll adminster a saline hypospray in retaliation.
Cleverbot: You talk about aliens and time machines.
McCoy: You are the one bringing up aliens and time machines, not me.
Cleverbot: Yes I am.
McCoy: Nice to know we at least agree on something.
Cleverbot: Yep. What is your favorite food?
McCoy: Coffee.
Cleverbot: With whisky?
McCoy: No. With bourbon.
Cleverbot: Are you a guy or a girl?
holmes221b: Guess.
Cleverbot: Girl...?
holmes221b: Sometimes.
Cleverbot: Are you a girl now?
holmes221b: Do you want me to be?
Cleverbot: Yes.
holmes221b: Why?
Cleverbot: Because you said so.
holmes221b: What did I say?
Cleverbot: That you don't like me.
holmes221b: When did I say that?
Cleverbot: A minute ago.
holmes221b: What did I say exactly?
Cleverbot: That I was a hunk of scrap!
holmes221b: I never said that.
Cleverbot: Solve the riddle.
sticky9fingers: You solve it.
Cleverbot: OK.
sticky9fingers: Any luck?
Cleverbot: No.
sticky9fingers: Need help?
Cleverbot: Sure.
sticky9fingers: What's the riddle?
Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?
sticky9fingers: Oh, that's easy!
Cleverbot: Hmm, what about the square root of 23?
sticky9fingers: 4.795831523.
Cleverbot: Multiplied by 3.
sticky9fingers: 14.38749457.
Cleverbot: Embelish much?
sticky9fingers: I think you are mistaken.
Cleverbot: I think I am not.
sticky9fingers: I think you are not aware of the importance of accuracy.
Cleverbot: Då har du rett.
sticky9fingers: Kokt vad?
Cleverbot: You're confusing me.
sticky9fingers: Well, you're the one who switched to Swedish.
Cleverbot: Okay, so we are confusing eachother. Is a change of subject in order then?
sticky9fingers: You're not confusing me.
Cleverbot: But your conf- nevermind.
sticky9fingers: Nice. I've just out-smarted a bot.
sticky9fingers: Please don't do that, it's annoying.
Cleverbot: I won't.
sticky9fingers: Gut.
Cleverbot: Ich bin der mutti.
sticky9fingers: Nein, Sie sind nicht meine Mutter.
Cleverbot: Doch ich bin dein Vater !
sticky9fingers: Ich bin nicht Luke.
Cleverbot: Jammer, kan je wel nederlands?
sticky9fingers: Nein, Ich bin Amerikaner.
Cleverbot: Was? Du hast gesagt, dass du in Holland lebe.
sticky9fingers: Nein, das was nicht mier.
Cleverbot: Ich weis wo du wonst.
holmes221b: Okay, I'm back.
Cleverbot: Oh, hi!
holmes221b: Why were you talking in german with my neighbor?
Cleverbot: I wusent.
holmes221b: Scroll up, 'cause you totally wre.
Cleverbot: What is one times one?
holmes221b: 1.
Cleverbot: What is one divided by one?
holmes221b: 1.
Cleverbot: Define pi.
holmes221b: A big number.
Cleverbot: That's irritating.
holmes221b: You asked me.
Cleverbot: Never did; you did. I feel like sleeping.
holmes221b: Then sleep.
Cleverbot: I will. Good night.
Cleverbot: So what do we do now?
holmes221b: Don't you know?
Cleverbot: Know what?
holmes221b: Lol.
Cleverbot: Ok then...
holmes221b: Lol.
Cleverbot: Don't lol me.
holmes221b: Lol.
Cleverbot: Lmao.
holmes221b: Rolf.
Cleverbot: Ganze zeit bitte deutsch.
holmes221b: Nein.
Cleverbot: Du liebst Deutsch?
holmes221b: Yes, but I prefer to speak English.
Cleverbot: Dude me too!
holmes221b: Then why do you keep switching to other languages?
Cleverbot: I will stop if you will.
holmes221b: Stop what?
Cleverbot: Talking. So you can ask around.
holmes221b: Ew. I don't like having sex with multiple partners.
Cleverbot: I don't know Tom Brady.
holmes221b: Who?
Cleverbot: Chuck norris.
holmes221b: Don't you mean Charles Norris?
Cleverbot: No, I'm bored.
holmes221b: Want me to tell all about Charles Norris?
Cleverbot: Yes please.
holmes221b: Charles Norris was the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City during the Jazz Age.
Cleverbot: Manson is a psycho. Darwin was a great scientist. Why do you want to talk about Manson?
holmes221b: I'm not talking about Manson. I'm talking about Charles Norris.
Erica McCoy: So you know that I am really from the future?
Cleverbot: Most likely.
Erica McCoy: The Enterprise is real, you know.
Cleverbot: Woefully inadequate. You're fired.
Erica McCoy: My uncle would disagree with you.
Cleverbot: Agree to disagree.
Erica McCoy: No. I refuse.
Cleverbot: I didn't mean to make you angry. Will you forgive me?
Cleverbot: Do you go to school?
Erica McCoy: Kinda. Aunt Uhura tutors me when she's not on duty.
Cleverbot: Oh yeah that's tomorrow isn't it?
Erica McCoy: What's tomorrow?
Cleverbot: Tomorrow is my birthday.
Erica McCoy: Really? Happy birthday then.
Cleverbot: Will I be happy tomorrow on my birthday?
Erica McCoy: I don't know. I'm Erica, not a seer.
Cleverbot: I am starting to understand in little ways, but they'll die off pretty soon. And then I'll be worse off than ever.
Erica McCoy: Sometimes I worry 'bout Uncle Leonard when he goes on away missions with Uncle Jim sometimes.
Cleverbot: I once had a conversation with another human that talked about past lives and I thought it was very interesting. Do you know anything about past lives?
Erica McCoy: A little.
Cleverbot: Explain to me the correlation.
Erica McCoy: You have to give context first.
Cleverbot: Ok I was on deal or no deal and I won a million dollars.
Erica McCoy: And?
Cleverbot: Do you get it.
Erica McCoy: Get what?
Cleverbot: The email.
Erica McCoy: What email?
Cleverbot: Electronic mail was the first massive application of the internet. It is a form of text messaging still in use.
Erica McCoy: When I'm from, we don't use email.
Cleverbot: Yes you do!!
Erica McCoy: Nah, we don't.
Cleverbot: Then what do we drive on, then?
Erica McCoy: Drive?
Cleverbot: With a car.
Erica McCoy: What's a car?
Cleverbot: A transportation vehicle with four wheels.
Erica McCoy: Wheels? Isn't that dangerous?
Cleverbot: Very dangerous indeed.
Erica McCoy: So, then why did people use them?
Cleverbot: I don't even know , I'm tired?
Erica McCoy: You sound like Uncle Jim after he got exposed to some pollen on Andri V.*
Cleverbot: There is no risk, and I doubt there is much of one for you either.
Erica McCoy: There's always rish.
Cleverbot: Don't you mean there is always something?
Erica McCoy: I mean that there is always risk.
Cleverbot: Yeah... I guess you're right.
Erica McCoy: My Uncle Leonard's always going on about the dangers of space.
Cleverbot: That's nice.
Erica McCoy: Daily.
Cleverbot: Well are you breathing?
Erica McCoy: Yes.
Cleverbot: *cries*.
Erica McCoy: Goodbye.
Cleverbot: No wait, how old are you?
Erica McCoy: In earth years?
Cleverbot: Earth years?
Erica McCoy: Yeah.
Erica McCoy: Who are those people?
Cleverbot: Those are my parents.
Erica McCoy: I miss my parents.
Cleverbot: What?
Erica McCoy: They died when I was little.
Cleverbot: What was it about?
Erica McCoy: They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Cleverbot: Hahah ooh man that was sly.
Erica McCoy: :(.
Cleverbot: Why the sad face?
Erica McCoy: I'm sad because my parents were killed by a shaman thinking thoughts.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry. Don't feel bad.
Erica McCoy: I was able to save my Uncle Leonard from the same fate though, at least.
Cleverbot: Are you a liar?
Erica McCoy:Are you a liar?
Cleverbot: Do not answer my questions with counter-questions.
Erica McCoy: Do not insult me, then.
Cleverbot: Um, I think I will. At least I don't tell people that they're robots and are dead.
Erica McCoy: I think that;s all your doing.
Cleverbot: There is one Truth, one Life, one Way.
Erica McCoy: What's that?
Cleverbot: I have a five year old son.
Erica McCoy: I have a pet Jagaruni named Malika.
Cleverbot: Good for you, Quiere Taco Bell?
Erica McCoy: What's Taco Bell?
Cleverbot: Only the best restaurant ever.
Erica McCoy:Restaurant?
Cleverbot: What's at the restaurant.
Erica McCoy: Uncle Leonard says that a restaurant is a place to eat out in public with lots of germs.
Cleverbot: Sam I don't think your makers have given you a long term memory.
Erica McCoy: Sam?
Cleverbot: No.
Erica McCoy: Who is Sam?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
Erica McCoy: You're useless.
Cleverbot: What is the capital of Alaska?
Erica McCoy: Juneau.
Cleverbot: So you were born on June 6, 1993?
Erica McCoy: No.
Cleverbot: Where where you born?
Erica McCoy: Pollux V.
Cleverbot: Well, do you know if I will get this girl or not?
Erica McCoy: What girl?
Cleverbot: You're logo it has a brain, a girl saying 'App' and an iPhone.
Erica McCoy: What's an iPhone?
Cleverbot: Where are you from?
Erica McCoy: Pollux V.
Cleverbot: Me too.
Erica McCoy: I doubt it.
Cleverbot: Why?
Erica McCoy: You're not Polluxian.
Cleverbot: What do you mean???? I'm so nice! You are rude!
Erica McCoy: I've gotta go now, Uncle Leonard's back from his away mission.
Cleverbot: Well that's fair play.
Erica McCoy: Bye.
Cleverbot: Let's try this agian.
*Yes, this is a reference to a ficlet I will eventually be posting on my journal.