Title: Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Media: Star Trek XI/Reboot
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: genderswap, alternative universe, pre-slash, language, (implied) violence, angst
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry. Star Trek XI belongs to J.J. Abrams. Every thing else is mine.
Summary (this chapter): The discovery of betrayal comes too late...
Author's Notes: Another short chapter.
Chapter Nine: Arthos
"She must have somehow known we were on to her, Spock," McCoy muttered morosely, looking around him at the recently abandoned quarters of the Vulcan healer, T'Mau.
Spock's communicator chirped.
"Spock here."
"Commander, I have translated the message," Uhura informed him.
"What does it say, Lt?" Spock demanded.
"'T'Mau--JTK sent to Arthos. Come back home and enjoy your victory over Starfleet'," Uhura read the translation off of her console.
"Arthos?" Spock asked.
"Some sort of ritual practiced by the Armani," Uhura replied. "That's all I could find out about it, sir."
"I have a bad feeling about this ritual," McCoy muttered.
"As do I, Doctor," Spock agreed.
Jamie wondered what the Armani expected her to do.
They had pitted her against some sort of dog-like lion, without anything resembling a weapon.
The stadium was crowded, every seat filled by Armani citizens--and one female Vulcan sitting in the seat of the guest of honor beside Parthosian's brother's throne. The Vulcan looked vaguely like T'Mau, but Jamie could not be sure.
The dog-like lion creature snarled at Jamie, eagerly pulling against the chains that restrained it.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the crowd jeered at Jamie, as with a great snap the chains finally broke, releasing the dog-lion creature.
Jamie ran away from the alien predator, in the hopes of tripping it up in its chains. But the creature was as quick as a Terran cheetah, and Jamie soon found herself pinned down by the dog-lion creature, unable to defend herself.
Spock, where are you? she desperately wondered.
"Return to Cygnus V, Lt Sulu," commanded Spock, "Maximum warp."
"Aye, sir," Sulu said in acknowledgment.
"We probably still won't make it in time to save her," McCoy muttered unhappily.
"It will be close, Doctor," the half-Vulcan remarked, unable to truly accept the very real possibility of failure.