college rant- brace yourselves

Mar 28, 2006 20:43

i want to go to ucla.
like really.
but wellesley really wants me to go there, because they're practically giving me a free ride.
urrrrrrghhhhh and now my parents are pushing me towards wellesley. or, if not there, at least smith or BU, which both gave me good enough financial aid.
but anywhere but ucla, cuz it's the most expensive. i love how in the course of 1 1/2 weeks they've gone from "OMG-WE'RE-SO-PROUD-OF-YOU-YOU'RE-GOING-TO-UCLA-THIS-IS-THE-BEST-THING-EVER-MAZEL-TOV!!!!!!" to "GO TO WELLESLEY DAMMIT, IT'S AN AMAZING SCHOOL AND IT'S INSANELY CHEAP AND HILARY CLINTON WENT THERE (yes, i'm serious, that is one of my dad's big reasons for why i should go there)!"
i mean, i don't blame them, going to wellesley over ucla would save them soooooo much money it's incredible. and wellesley is ranked as one of the top 10 liberal arts schools in the country (not that i care about rankings...ha...). and it's half an hour from boston and 2 hours from my aunt. and one of my best friends since the age of 3 (smadar) goes there. and it's GORGEOUS (seen 'mona lisa smile'? well you should). and i don't really mind the whole women's college thing all that much- it'll be tough but i'll live. SO i'm willing to fly out there and visit (they're paying for that too- what did i do to make this school like me so much?!?!). but like, honestly i applied there on a whim cuz it was free, and i would really rather go to ucla or possibly smith... but i'll agree with everyone and their mother (literally) when they say that there aren't too many schools one should turn down wellesley for...
agh. so much pressure. i just want to go where i'll be most happy, not where i feel the least guilty for sending my parents to the poorhouse so they can afford my education.
for the first time in my life, i REALLY wish i was rich for an actually good reason. not like how oh i wish i had money just for the petty reasons of having a nice house or buying nice clothes or going to cool places- but so that i could have the freedom to choose a college based on how happy i'd be there, and not on its price.
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