I liked Pass this On, madly, but yeah, I don't think fandom wanted to go there. Seeker fandom is interestingly, one of the fandoms I've been in where the squee outweights any desire for meta, cracky or otherwise.
Totally do a movie vid. I love doing movie vids, mostly because I only have two hours of footage to comb through, as opposed to 20 + for most TV series with even one season. It helps me focus things a lot.
Also: Marble House is friggin' awesome. I only partially understand it, but I can nonetheless appreciate the craftsmanship of the editing alone and the ambition which underlies the Big Picture Message of the vid. :)
Don't dwell on it. Otherwise you won't ever get anywhere.
I have ditched doing the Big Important vid for premieres this year in favor of doing a light(ish) vid for a small fandom and saying: SEE, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE AND READ ALL THE BOOOOOKS. I tried to do a big idea vid for premieres last year and it just gave me headaches and caused unnecessary stress.
Yeah Seeker fandom is the strangest thing! I've never encountered such bizarre behavior. There's no slash, hardly have any fic, and no one seems interested in meta. It's truly mind-boggling!
I love doing movie vids, mostly because I only have two hours of footage to comb through, as opposed to 20 + for most TV series with even one season. Yes, this is very appealing! I'm gonna definitely try to get at least one done this year. *nods*
Seeker fandom is very strange indeed. I love the squee muchly, but aside from that it's increasingly not one of my primary fandoms, if only because it is so very strange.
Totally do a movie vid. I love doing movie vids, mostly because I only have two hours of footage to comb through, as opposed to 20 + for most TV series with even one season. It helps me focus things a lot.
I have ditched doing the Big Important vid for premieres this year in favor of doing a light(ish) vid for a small fandom and saying: SEE, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE AND READ ALL THE BOOOOOKS. I tried to do a big idea vid for premieres last year and it just gave me headaches and caused unnecessary stress.
I love doing movie vids, mostly because I only have two hours of footage to comb through, as opposed to 20 + for most TV series with even one season.
Yes, this is very appealing! I'm gonna definitely try to get at least one done this year. *nods*
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