An Open Letter to Hollywood

Mar 03, 2010 00:17

Dear Warner Brothers:

I'm really excited about your newest film project. ("Gilligan's Island" Coming to the Big Screen). Really. But I'm nervous, I won't lie to you.

I'm glad Sherwood Schwartz is involved, but, honestly, he needs to write this. No one else can do it justice. He's an institution, a legend, a genius, and pretty much the reason I got into television.

So you pick the guy who wrote WILD HOGS? REALLY?! WILD HOGS?! (I'm conveniently ignoring his "Arrested Development" and "My Name is Earl" credits because OMG WILD HOGS NO!)

I don't think it's too much to ask Hollywood to not screw up yet another awesome old cheesy amazing TV show.

In order for me to at least consider this nonsense, I have the following demands: a really expensive storm sequence, real monkeys, backstory, emotional character development (cough, like in the musical), and Dawn Wells as Martha Summers. She should do at least one of the following: boss George around, milk a cow, call Horace Higgenbotham "a real creep," go yell at the Coast Guard.

Listen, Warner Brothers. You almost picked me for your Writing Fellowship last year. (Top 5%, thanks). I'll take care of these people, I promise. Let's make this happen. If I had an agent, I'd tell you to call him.

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