[Day 3] Favourite Oneshot

May 01, 2011 13:38

 Day 3 - Your Favourite Oneshot [Theme List]

Apparently I'm getting worse and worse at this narrowing the list down lark, but considering I had about 25 tabs of possibilities up when I was trying to decide what to keep, I think three isn't too bad, considering. There was one fic that I'd been almost certain I was going to list here before I remembered it was actually a Twoshot ^^' I guess I'll just have to try and fit it in under one of the other titles...

On another note, I'm sure I read more fluff than this 0__o

Title: Heartless Tin Soldier
Author: fantacination
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: K
Summary: It starts with the clock, striking midnight, the moonbeams ghosting across a dark floor. The curtains float on a windless breeze and the second hand stills while the shadows march. Mild Riku/Roxas, Toybox AU based on Steadfast Tin Soldier

Like it says above, this one is an AU based on Steadfast Tin Soldier and the way it's written seems almost lyrical; the flow is amazing and kind of almost transports you into the story itself, and seeing if you can identify all of the unnamed toys is also fun. There's a little explanation at the end of the story outlining the main roles and how the tin soldier came to be heartless in the first place, and I think it fits really well with what we know from canon.

Title: The Turn Around
Author: hangman_zeit 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Rating: T
Summary: "Point is, they needed to get rid of me, couldn’t stomach killing me, and couldn’t afford to let me talk. So they give me the crazy label. Cute, huh?"

This is absolutely brilliant; it's set right after WWII  and is, I  suppose, kind of AU. I  don't want to give anything away, but Prussia's characterisation is amazing and just as I would picture him in that situation - all mocking and aggressive at the same time. The end is like a well aimed punch to the gut that gets me every time I read it.

Title: No Business Like Show Business
Author: lady_ragnell 
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: T
Summary: In which Merlin is promoted from production intern to talent, is easily mortified, and has Post-It arguments with Arthur while the art department watches in glee. Also, there are gay dragons.

This is far more light hearted than my other two recs for today, as you may guess from the summary. And actually, provided that you aren't against slashing, the summary alone should probably convince you to read it! It's cheeky and witty, and pulls you through the story without looking up to check the time. Arthur and Merlin's Post-It arguments, and the whole of the staff's following of their progress (through a facebook group, no less) is absolutely hilarious and I found myself stifling laughter and regular intervals to insure that I didn't wake up any of my housemates with my giggling. =)
On another note, I discovered that this one actually has a hilarious sequel which can be found here~

fanfiction rec, 30 day challenge, f:hetalia, f:merlin (bbc), memes, f:kingdom hearts

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