Apr 03, 2005 20:36
Spell you name backwards: Ylloh
Are you a homosexual? uh no..I like boys too much (me too)
Favorite movies: I have too many
Something your looking forward to: becoming famous
Last thing you ate: m&ms
Something your deathly afarid of: Ghost
Do you like candles:yes
Do you like insence: if it smells good
Believe in love: yes
Believe in love at first sight: umm. yeah and no
Believe in Heaven: yes
Believe in God: I am God.. Yes, I do believe in God.
What do you want done with your body when you die? I want to be stuffed and make my friends and family hang out with me and take me places. Just don't let any perv near me!!!
Favorite candies: kit-kat
Who is someone that you really wish was still around? My aunt Patti!