Apr 01, 2005 22:34
Name: Holly
Birthdate: March 12, 1981
Birthplace: Charlotte, NC
Current Location: Fort Lawn, SC
Hair : Blonde
Height: 5'3
Your heritage: Native American, German,
Your weakness: Chocolate
Your fears: Dead people/Ghost
Your perfect pizza: beef and pineapple
Goal you'd like to achieve: to become an actress
Your thoughts first waking up: DAMN IT
Your best physical feature: don't have one -oooh i like my industrial bar in my ear
Your bedtime: 12:30-1
Your most missed memory: Playing Barbie's with my brother
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Both - New Balance
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: My Mom's
Chocolate or Vanilla: DUH Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Cuss: Too Much
Sing: in the car, shower, and to Brett in Class
Have a crush on someone: well kinda
Do you think you've been in love: dunno
Want to go to college: doing it now
In the past month...
Done a drug: what the doctors gave me
Had sex: no
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of oreos: nah but i can get a whole box of thin mints
Eaten sushi: No ask Alex
Been on stage: yes -last semester for theatre
Been dumped: HEE HEE Yea
Gone skating: not yet
Made homemade cookies: can't cook
Gone skinny-dipping: LORD NO
Stolen anything: No
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea
Been "caught" doing something: what is "something"
Been called a tease: yup
Gotton beat up: Well Chris does like to hit me
Changed who you were to fit in: LORD NO
Age you hope to be married:by don't know
Numbers and Names of children: 2 and don't know the names yet - maybe Holly Jr and Holly the 3rd
(Describe what YOU consider to be attractive qualities of the opposite sex)
Best eye color: Blue
Best hair color: as long as they have hair - any color
Best height: TALLER than me!..hate short guys (same answer as karla)
Best weight: over 100
Best article of clothing: umm. wife beaters??
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people I could trust with my life: 9
Number of cd's that I own: Over a hundred
Number of piercings: 4
Number of tattoos: none yet
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: every semester since my college career - and when I was little so probaly close to 20
Number of scars on my body: 5 1/2
Number of things in my past I regret: 3