not much goin on...

Oct 05, 2009 13:13

Hallo everybody. I'm just posting for the sake of posting, not too much going on...

I am staying home from work for half the day today (I only get paid for 4 hours anyway, I usually just stay for 8 to help Will) to get some frigging laundry done. It's been 2 1/2 weeks since I did laundry last because last week every time I tried to do it, some broad was taking up the whole damn laundry room. Every day a different horrible neighbor, but every day the same goddamn story. I really wish we were allowed to have laundry machines in our apartment. Anyways, I'm doing 3 loads, and I'm waiting for them to finish drying now. Then I get to fold em up and head off to work to help Will do the weekly reorder.

It's finally cooling down around here! I got to BAKE MUFFINS yesterday!! :D I was so excited that it was cool enough. Not only that, but it's still relatively cool today (high of 71º according to the internet), so I am wearing a long-sleeve shirt! whee! It's so nice to be comfy and toasty instead of sweaty and roasty, especially while lugging tons of laundry around. It's supposed to be in the low 70s all week, so I am excited.

Will and I are going to Baltimore for 4 days this weekend for the Diamond comics retailer summit. I can't remember if I've written in here about that before or not, but anyway. It should be interesting. We're not looking forward to leaving our kitties behind, though, and I am hoping all of my flowers don't die in Animal Crossing with me gone for 4 days. One of the days is a holiday in Animal Crossing, too. *pout*

I am excited that it's October because that means I can use my Halloween stickers again! I hope I get a lot of letters in October so I can get some good use out of them... because I have a shitload... and I just bought more yesterday. :D

Oh yeah, Will and I bought WiiFit Plus yesterday! We didn't really have time to try very much of the new stuff, but I am really excited about the additions, especially the pet thing! It has a new thing so you can add your pets as profiles, so you can weigh them and keep track of their weight. it's fucking adorable. 4 minutes til laundry, so I am off. <3 
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