Adventures in optometry

Sep 17, 2009 18:33

I went to the optometrist today! I went to one in Irvine after going to my old one in Fallbrook since I was in second grade or so. This optometrist in Irvine was about a thousand times better, and I am stoked to have found someone better so much closer. He gave me a different brand of contacts that "breathes" more than my old brand, and actually let me go home with them. My old optometrist would order random brands for me and I would have to go in like 3 weeks later to pick them up. They also gave me 20% off because I don't have eye insurance. Badass!

That's my big news today. We actually have people coming over tonight (!!), so I have to go vacuum and whatnot because it is filthy here because I am lazy!

Oh oh oh plus plus plus on Tuesday night I caught the last two fish I needed for Animal Crossing and on Wednesday I got my gold fishing rod! Yeeeaaah I have played 3 different Animal Crossing games but I never played any of them for more than a year, so this is my first gold fishing rod! wooooo I am happeeh. I am simultaneously upset though, because I am still missing 2 bugs and once September is over, the scorpion will be gone and I will be screwed until next summer. Stupid scorpion keeps stinging me!

Anyway, this post goes out to Kate, who keeps giving me LiveJournal "nudges." Hi Kate! Sorry this post isn't longer, I gotta go clean up and play Animal Crossing before people show up! 
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