Jul 18, 2006 11:48
Monday morning I was awoken by Craig shaking me, while asking when I could take him to the store to get target clips. I tried to throw something at him, but just rolled out of bed instead and threw some clothes on. Craig met me by the truck and I opened the door to get in. My center console was flung open, and all my papers were strewn across the seat. My envelope (which was full of money the day before) was sitting on my seat. I picked it up and opened it, there was nothing. Naturally I was pretty angry that my money was gone, but also that who ever had taken it had left the center console open with the light on (and it was draining the battery). The first person that came to mind was my dad, so I called him up and started half yelling at him…
“why the hell did you take all my money! You know that I needed to take Craig to the store. I don’t care if you take my money, but why over $100??? And why didn’t you at least close the center console”
“umm I didn’t take you money”- dad
“oh… I’m sorry… but who did then?”-me
“I don’t know, but when I went to go to work and got into my fathers truck, (my dads using my grandfathers truck because his back is still hurt and he cant drive a standard) I had the same thing- papers everywhere, and the center console opened, but I just assumed my father came here early before work and took something out”
“that sucks, did it happen to mom too?”
“yeah, she thought it was me too”
"*#*)@(#)@*^#^)$&@^#&^%*&^#, that sucks!! What the hell do I do?
“I’m really sorry, I know you worked hard for that money”
So yeah, some stupid kids stole a bunch of money and stuff from our cars, which were parked in out driveway. Its definitely some kids… why? Because they are incredibly stupid. I mean my dad left the keys in his car, and I had another check for $100 in the car and we all had more stuff that was worth money in our cars. It just sucks, because our cars were parked in our driveway. I mean technically we should have locked them, but it makes me mad none the less. Craig and I think we know who did it, and Craig wanted to confront them, but one of the things stolen was a knife, so I told him not to. Its okay though, its not like its anything serious. It was funny though. My dad got so paranoid because we don’t lock the garage either usually, so he made Craig and I bring back all of crag’s friend’s dirt bikes.
After we finished that, Craig needed clips for shooting, so we decided to go the Mc Donalds to visit the Suds, then go to walmart to get the clips. When we got to McDonalds, we met up with Jai who was on break and we called up James, who decided to come visit us. We talked with jai for a bit, but then he went back to work, so Craig and I got food, then waited for james to show up (along with josh a few minutes later). After talking with them for a little bit, Craig and I decided to go get the clips because he still needed to pack, so we headed off to walmart. But walmart didn’t have them! So we had to journey up to staples, and I got to use the cool jug handle thing.
Yeah… today rocked too. Around 2 in the morning, Jai and I decided to go out to lunch, so we managed to get a small crowd together to meet after Jai’s court date (that makes him sound like a criminal, but he’s not…) It was fun though. I woke up around 9:00, made brownies, cleaned some, swam in the pool with the puppies, read, took a shower, got gas and met everyone at 12:30. Lunch was fun, food is always a plus. After lunch though, everyone decided to go to the mall and hang out at Kate’s house, but I had to drop off grain and get to work by 3, so I had to leave quickly. James and Nate decided to follow me to the barn to meet my Bennie. They seemed pretty intimidated by him and didn’t even want to come in the stall to say hi, but I got them in at the end. Its funny to see how people can be so afraid of my huge teddy bear.
By the time we finished, it was getting really late, so I had to fly, and I drove off pretty quickly thinking that they knew the way back… well they didn’t. They headed off in the opposite direction and I made them turn around and gave them directions over my cell phone. It was a lot of fun!
The only thing I missed was getting hay. It may sound weird that I want to do hay in 90 degree temperatures and get all sweaty and hay burnt, but I love it. it’s a lot of fun. It comes in these huge trailers and usually its my job to climb on top and toss the bails to my brother, who puts them on the conveyor belt, which goes up to my dad, etc. Its cool how we all can work as a family to get it done. This year ,(well this is only the first load) both Craig and I weren’t there, so my mom and dad had to call my aunt, cousin, and her boyfriend to help. They were joined by one of the boarders and they all got to do it. Im so jealous, I love getting hay, and I wish I could have joined in the little get together they had after at our house with the pool…
This summer has been pretty good so far. Its hard to balance work, friends, and riding in an even, happy circle, but I’ve been doing okay I think.