[Edit: Just to clarify, this happened to the rental house, not the house we're purchasing, but the rental house our realtor found us, nonetheless.]
You're never going to believe this. About fifteen minutes ago Simon and I awoke to what we both believed was a simultaneous dream of a sonic boom. We thought that was a bit uncanny, so we ventured out of the bedroom to take a look (armed to the teeth, of course, and with cell phones on hand to call 911 immediately). The attached pictures document what we found. And, in my opinion, these pictures ARE worth a thousand words.
So remember a few weeks ago when I noted that the tree in the backyard is dead? Well, no one will be paying to get that thing out of the ground, now. Just to haul it away.
Call me when you get this. I'll keep my cell phone next to my bed so I'll be sure to wake up when you want to call.