Jun 18, 2003 03:29
yay. just got home from a good night. (haven't had an interesting one in a while)
i just saw Blur. they were really good. the only complaint Brian and i had was that they didn't play Coffee & TV. but they did play a really long set. it was very cool....
and we got lost on our way there. we drove through parts of San Francisco i've never seen before. then we ended up finally just parking so we could find our way on foot. but we parked hella far away. we showed up like a half hour or more after it was supposed to start. but either there ended up being an opening band or they just started late. cause we made it just as Blur came on.
it was weird though, we felt so out of place with the other people that were there. they were all like cool hipsters or something so we kind of didn't fit in. but whatever, i had fun. there were some cute girls there...but we both thought we wouldn't really be their type. (that, and we weren't drunk) so we didn't really chat it up with anyone. which i need to start doing more. i need to find new places to go, new people to know, new things to do. change can be good....
and thank you Em for getting me to check out Blur in the first place. much liking has come of it.
oh, and Brian got some weed. so i've been stoned for most of today. it was a fun night.
i've been obsessively reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. I just bought it a week ago (because i couldn't find my copy of Survivor to read). And I'm already like halfway done. that's very fast for me. i have also discovered that stoned reading is actually pretty cool. at least with Choke.
and the new Radiohead cd is great. i've played it so many times already. thank you Chey for sending me a copy of it. i love it. i just saw somewhere that Radiohead will be coming by this year. i can't wait....
on tour news, David Bowie is also supposed to play later this year. i need to see him before he like stops touring or something. (he's not a young man anymore...)
anyway, nothing else is new. same old, same old, you know?
thigns have been decent lately. not exciting, just decent.
well, i should go. i'm kind of out of it. i need to go put my concert ticket with my other ticket stubs on the wall. that, and other non-exciting things.