Whenever I feel particularly down about being single and COMPLETELY fucking unable to find someone moderately intelligent, interesting, motivated, emotionally available and attractive who ISN'T either a complete horndog or absolutely insane (or both)...
whenever I get an influx of emails from utter assholes on OkCupid, none of whom would even be fit to lick dog shit off my pole climber boots...
and whenever I start thinking that it's obviously something wrong with me...
I remember these sites.
Psychotic Letters From MenWhy Women Hate Men And I must say, after a few hours of reading through them, suddenly my
current significant other Hitachi doesn't look so bad anymore.
Even without a Cuddle Function*.
(hey, Hitachi Corporation? Seriously, CUDDLE FUNCTION. You'd completely corner the market if you could make a vibrating cuddle bot. Maybe bring this up at your next marketing meeting)
(EDITED ALSO TO ADD: I am totally in love with this Weasel dude. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. Why can't other guys be like this?)