Exciting letter I received today. :D
I sent a genuine letter (not form letter; I actually wrote this one) to something like 12 representatives in this state regarding Prevention First (package of bills that'll help give more funding for comprehensive sex ed and help more teens and young women get access to birth control, etc.), and one of them actually responded back! It pleased me. ^_^
Dear Ms.
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the 15-Bill Prevention First Package. I am pleased to report that 13 bills of the 15 bill package were reported out with recommendation by the Judiciary Committee on September 9, 2009. The bills are now before the full House of Representatives for consideration.
As Executive Director of MARAL [sic] Pro-Choice Michigan for 7 years, I was proud to work in coalition with Planned Parenthood, the Michigan Chapter of NOW, Michigan ACLU and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice to advocate for these essential pro-active initiatives and defend our access to the full range of reproductive health care options. While our fight is unfortunately not yet over, I can assure you that my work in the trenches on behalf of the women and men of Michigan has only strengthened my resolve to continue to lead the charge now that I am on the other side of the table.
I wholeheartedly believe that prevention efforts not only save the state money, but also equip citizens make important decisions concerning their bodies and their families. Our Prevention First Package includes measures which would expand family planning services, increase teen pregnancy prevention efforts, increase affordable access to birth control, and require insurance coverage for contraceptives. As we move forward, I plan to work vigorously to see that this package is passed and to promote measures that both prevent unintended pregnancy and protect our right to choose.
Once again, thank you for your contacting me and for your advocacy on these issues. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 517-373-2577 or rebekahwarren@house.mi.gov.
Rebekah Warren
State Representative
53rd District
I'm pretty sure I'm not even a constituent of hers, but how nice that was, yanno? Sometimes I get so frustrated with the lack of progress here (I frequently say that Michigan is the most improperly-designated blue state in the union) that it's so nice to remember that someone in a relative seat of power is on our side.