My Own Enemy

Jun 07, 2008 18:29

Title: My Own Enemy
Author: LoveAngel2141
Beta Credit: torncorpse
Characters: Zack Fair, Cloud Strife and Reno
Written For: 10_themes - Prompt Table Two - Hate
Word Count: 612
Rating: PG - 13
Summary: "And you are going to stay far, far away from Cloud, got it?" Zack once again tightened his grip on the Reno's collar, cutting off his air way even further.
Disclaimer: I in no way own or am affiliated in anyway with SquareEnix, who just happens to own both of the characters mentioned in this fic.

Authors's Note: So I wrote this for the amazing K (vulpes_demonica for all of her help on my last fic. I let her pick a prompt from the table and a secondary charachter. And of course she choose Reno. So I'm hoping you enjoy this hon!

Also thanks to my amazing beta Karen (torncorpse) I shall have the fic you requested soon, I promise!


"Wait a sec, you want me to do what?"

"For the last time Reno, I want you to sneak into Cloud's room and get my shit back."

"What in the hell were you doing in there in the first place?"

"None of your fucking business Reno. What is your business is that fact that you are going to sneak into that bedroom and get my belts back. Got it?"

"Testy today aren't we Fair? What didn't Strife give you any last night?" Reno asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the cold brick wall.

"Look," Zack said as he stepped forward and grabbed the Turk by the collar of his jacket, shoving him up against rough brick. "What I do with Cloud is none of your business. What is your business is getting my shit back."

"Why in the hell should I help you?" Reno said as he stared into Zack's face, knowing that he was either stupid to challenge the Solider, or maybe he had some sort of death wish he didn't know about.

"Because you're small and insignificant. And because I'll beat the ever loving tar out of you since this entire mess if your fault in the first place." Zack all but growled as he tightened his grip on Reno's jacket, effectively cutting off the Turks air way.

"What did I do?" Reno chocked out, his usual cocky air gone.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out that you were the one who told those officers that they should check out Cloud's room? Did you really think I was that stupid?"

"It wasn't me man, you gotta know it wasn't me! Why would I do something like that?" Reno quipped, realizing that his death wish theory was probably more real then he had first thought.

"I wonder Reno? Probably because I'm the one who turned your sorry ass into Tseng for misconduct."

"Oh, that was you? You should know there wouldn't be any hard feelings over such a small thing like that," Reno said, making an attempt to use any bargaining chips he had.

"Don't lie to me." Zack said, as he looked the now trembling Turk in the eyes. "I'm going to let you go. Against my better judgement, but I am."

"Come on man, you know you can trust me!"

"You are going to go up to Cloud's room and use your self proclaimed breaking and entering skills to enter said room, locate what belongs to me, and retrieve it," Zack said ignoring Reno. "You’re then going to bring it to me."

"Of course man! You know...."

"And you are never going to speak a word of this to anyone." Zack cut Reno off.

"I ain't no snitch yo."

"And you are going to stay far, far away from Cloud, got it?" Zack once again tightened his grip on the Reno's collar, cutting off his air way even further.

"Yeah, yeah I got it!" Reno gasped, barely able to take in enough air. He felt like he was drowning.

"Just remember Reno, accidents happen." Zack whispered as he lowered his face so it was barely an inch away from Reno's own.

Suddenly the pressure on his throat was released and Reno felt his knees give out on him. Slumping down to the dirty cement, he looked up only to be greeted with the sight of Zack's retreating back. In that moment, with his back against the same wall he had been held against just moment before, his lungs burning from the air he had been deprived of rushing back into him, he knew, without a doubt, that he hated Zack Fair.

zack fair, final fantasy 7, 10_themes, cloud strife

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