Curtain Call

Jun 05, 2008 19:55

Title: Curtain Call
Author: LoveAngel2141
Beta Credit: vulpes_demonica
Characters: Zack Fair & Cloud Strife
Written For: 10_themes - Prompt Table Two - Love
Word Count: 1,141
Rating: PG - 13
Summary: Then he would get dressed and haul his ass into Midgar, where he was going to buy the first pair of curtains he came across, no matter how ugly they might be.
Disclaimer: I in no way own or am affiliated in anyway with SquareEnix, who just happens to own both of the characters mentioned in this fic.


Author Notes: Thank you to the amazing K (vulpes_demonica) for putting up with my atrocius grammar, and for putting up with my own gernal suckage. She also came up with the title. So seriously, this girl deserves a medal.


The sun was pouring in through the small blind covered window, and for the millionth time since he moved in Zack wished he would just give it up already and spring for some curtains. Paying for and then hanging up two small pieces of cloth had to be a lot better than to be awoken awakened by the light of a thousand suns shining directly into your eyes every morning. Well okay, only one sun Zack had to admit, but it often felt like a thousand, especially on those mornings when he had no reason to be awake at six in the morning.

Rolling over to face the other side of the bed, he made every attempt to dig his head into the pillow, hoping to shield his eyes from the offensive light. Like every other morning it did absolutely nothing. Grunting, he pulled the pillow out from under his head, and pulled it over his face. He'd either block out the sun or suffocate himself, and either way, he was getting more sleep.

Definitely buying a set of curtains later today, Zack thought. And one of those nice, black eye masks like the one he had seen Sephiroth use on missions.

Twenty minutes later Zack sighed heavily in frustration. He removed the pillow, sat up, and ran a hand through his messy, spiked black hair. Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, he saw that it was sixteen minutes after six.

Holy fucking hell! He thought to himself as he flopped back down on the bed. He hadn't been up that early since he had been a cadet and was forced to take the morning shift of guard duty. What in the hell did people do at six in the morning anyway?

Sitting up slowly, Zack slid down to the end of the bed,placing his feet on the floor, and stretched before standing up. Walking towards his bedroom door, he tripped over the pair of uniform pants he had shed the night before, and as per usual had left where they landed. Cursing himself for his own laziness, he opened the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway, intent on making his way to the bathroom.

A shower was what he needed. A nice, hot shower. He would boil himself awake, and then he would go into the kitchen to see if he actually had anything edible in the refrigerator that could pass as for breakfast. Then he would get dressed and haul his ass into Midgar, where he was going to buy the first pair of curtains he came across, no matter how ugly they might be.

That was until he saw the passed out blond on his sofa. There was an open book on the floor, one that had likely fallen out of the boy's hand when he had finally given into exhaustion and passed out. Cloud was currently laying on his stomach, face smashed down into the pillow that he had stolen from Zack's room earlier the night before.

Walking over to pick up the book Zack placed it on the coffee table and looked at the young man asleep on the couch. There were shadows under his eyes, marring the beautiful creamy skin. His blond spikes were falling over his face, across his eyes and down over his nose. His perfect pink lips pouted as he slept, and for a moment Zack completely forgot all about his curtain-finding mission. The only thing he could think about in that moment, the only thing he could see, was Cloud.

Lowering himself so that he was kneeling in front of the sleeping Cloud, Zack pressed his lips to his forehead, willing him to wake up.

"Time to get up, beautiful boy," Zack murmured as he moved the hair out of Cloud's face. When he got no response he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to Cloud's pouting lips. "Come on baby, it's a bright sunny day outside. Don't you want to wake up so you can see it?"

"Not really. I'm fine missing it, thanks," Cloud said suddenly without opening his eyes, his voice gruff from sleep.

"Come on Cloud!" Zack said as he moved his hand down to stroke the smooth skin on Cloud's check. "Open your eyes. Let me see those amazing baby blues."

"Go to hell."

"Only if you come with me." At this Cloud grunted, but finally opened his eyes, and immediately closed them again.

"There. I opened them. Are you happy now?"

"That wasn't quite what I meant, and you know it."

"Why do you want me to wake up so damn badly anyway?" Cloud asked as he brought his hands up to rub his eyes, before finally opening them properly.

"There we go. Now, instead of me telling you why I want you awake so badly, why don't I just show you?" Zack suggested as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Cloud's once again.

"Are you always this horny in the morning?" Cloud asked as he broke the kiss and moved to sit up.

"I guess that's something your just have to find out for yourself," Zack said as he moved into to kiss Cloud again, this time running his tongue over the tight seam of Cloud's lips, begging for entrance.

"Mmmm." Cloud moaned into the kiss before wrapping his arms around Zack's shoulders and pressing his tongue against Zack's, slowly massaging it before pulling away once more.

"Besides," Zack said as he pulled away for the second time. "I could really use some help picking out some curtains."

"Curtains?" Cloud asked looking confused.

"Yeah, to aid me in my battle against the demon known to the common man as the sun. It keeps pouring in through my bedroom window and waking me up at the most unfathomable hours, And we all know a sex-god such as myself needs his sleep," Zack joked as a wide smile split his features.

"Oh whatever," Cloud said as he drew his arms back and shoved at Zack's shoulder.

"So, why don't you join me in the shower, and then we can boogie ourselves down to Midgar and pick out some curtains, just like good little housewives?" Zack said as he stood up and held out a hand to help Cloud stand up.

"I thought you were a sex-god??"

"I have many roles. All of them are extremely diverse and take all of my plentiful thespian skills to achieve.

"I swear to Gaia I have no idea why I put up with you," Cloud said as he stood up.

"Maybe because I only use the sex-god role with you?"

"No, I think it's because of that cute little wounded puppy-dog look you tend to pull."

"Wow, and here I thought it was because you loved me," Zack suggested as he allowed his face to fall into said famous wounded puppy-dog look

"Well, there is that too."

zack fair, final fantasy 7, 10_themes, cloud strife

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