Curtain Call

Jun 05, 2008 19:55

Title: Curtain Call
Author: LoveAngel2141
Beta Credit: vulpes_demonica
Characters: Zack Fair & Cloud Strife
Written For: 10_themes - Prompt Table Two - Love
Word Count: 1,141
Rating: PG - 13
Summary: Then he would get dressed and haul his ass into Midgar, where he was going to buy the first pair of curtains he came across, no matter how ugly they might be.
Disclaimer: I in no way ( Read more... )

zack fair, final fantasy 7, 10_themes, cloud strife

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rainbowserenity June 6 2008, 02:06:21 UTC
Awwwwww! ♥♥
I love how Zack's so grumpy until he sees Cloud on the couch. :3 Cloud's the ultimate uh...waker-upper? Especially when Zack's all touchy-feely. >D

And six in the morning? IT EXISTS? *le gasp*

I wonder what kind of curtains they ended up picking out. Probably something with a Chocobo print, if Zack had any say in it. ;D


hollow_strife June 6 2008, 02:17:44 UTC
Yes unfortunately there is a six in the morning, for I have seen it with my own two eyes. It was a horrible experience, and one I hope never to have to repeat, believe me.

I image that Cloud would be the only thing in the world that could truly wake Zack up. I bet that boy would also be the only person who could have the task of waking Zack up out of a deep sleep and not get thrown across a room or something. Zack can naturally sense Cloud from miles away. I like to call it his Cloud-o-factory sense.

It would either be Chocobo's or something that has to do with puppies, since this is Zack we're talking about here.

I'm glad you liked the hon!


rainbowserenity June 6 2008, 03:00:52 UTC
*le gasp* It does sound horrible. I'm glad you've recovered. *flail* I should really stop sleeping til noon every day xD

Hehe, I don't doubt it. >3 Especially with that Cloud-o-factory sense! IT'S TINGLINGGGG.
And y'know, it just occurred to me that usually morning!fics with these two involves Zack being a happy ball of sunshine, so it's awesome seeing him as the sleepyhead for once. xD Although no one's a happy ball of sunshine if said sunshine is blazing into your eyeballs. It's okay, Zack. As a Floridian, I feel your pain. *patpat*

Oh well, of course. ;D How about...PUPPIES AND CHOCOBOS? Oh man, I wish I could make icons, because that would be so fab. A puppy and a chocobo = OTP. xD I'll have to get my icon lady on that. >3

Ahem. But yes, I loved it! :3 Ohhh my silly boys. ♥


hollow_strife June 6 2008, 03:16:47 UTC
It was a long and hard road, but yes I did finally make a full recovery.

don't feel bad, I tend to stay up way later then I should and then end up sleeping until noon the next day as well. God forbid when I actually start working this summer...I'm from Iowa, and the sun used to pour into my window and wake me up every morning, until I finally got fed up and tacked a blanket up over the window. To bad Zack didn't think of that ( ... )


rainbowserenity June 6 2008, 23:16:18 UTC
Good to know! *flail*
Oh geez, I fear for my sleeping habits when I get a job. xD I've been rolling out of bed whenever for the past two and a half years now. WHOOPS! :X

Hehe, you're smarter than the average Zack! >D I bet he didn't think of it because he was too annoyed at the sun beaming into his eyeballs. Annoyance prevails over all other emotions and functions, unfortunately. xDDD

...Oh man. I can't decide if Cloud would be pissed at having that written on his forehead (I'M NOT AN OJBECT, ZACK), or if he'd just pretend to be angry but secretly like it. xDDD Cloud, you can't really fool us. You're such an uketastic uke. \o/

MWHAHAHA SHE DID IT! >DDD I wonder how many people will get it. AHAHA. xD
And dude, Riku pwns Sora and Roxas. Trufax. *nodnod* And I'm not just saying that 'cause Riku's my favorite KH character, no siree. *shifty eyes*


hollow_strife June 6 2008, 23:30:34 UTC

Apparently I am. but yes annoyance does tend to prevail over every other emotion at times. So I guess we can forgive Zack for his lapse in thinking.

Cloud would probably pretend to be pissed off as hell and secretly be ecstatic because Zack has marked him as his own. We all know how much of a Zack fan boy Cloud is. Seriously. He should just get "Do not touch, official property of Zack Fair" tattooed on his ass. Maybe then Tifa will get the hint...

And Riku is my favorite character as well. Every time I even see his name I'm like RRRRIIIIIKKKKUUUUUU!!!!!! in the loudest most annoying most fangirlish voice ever. So he totally pwns over every other charather in that entire game. Expect Leon, I like Leon. But he's still not cooler then Riku.


rainbowserenity June 6 2008, 23:54:23 UTC

Aww, I think we can forgive Zack for pretty much anything. It's the puppy face. *points to icon* ...*swoons* STOP OWNING MY SOUL, ZACK.

Oh, how true. >3 I bet Cloud's in Zack's fan club. Actually, I have kind of plot bunny about that in my brain, ahaha. xD Don't worry Cloud, Zack will always pick you over his many fangirls. ;D

RIKUUUUUUUUUU!!!!11 *flail*
Leon rules. But so true, he's not as cool as Leon. Although Leon's badass. And he's hot in leather pants. Oh yes. >3
Hmm...*imagines Riku in leather pants* :D~~~~


hollow_strife June 6 2008, 23:59:38 UTC
He really does make the best confused and puppy dog faces doesn't he? I'm like "Yes Zack? You wanted me to do what? Blow up Sector 7. Right, I'm on it."

Plot bunny you say? About Cloud being Zack's fan club? Sounds interesting. I've had this plot bunny for the past couple of weeks about being terribly stinky and Cloud forcing him to take a shower. I'm just not entirely sure how go about it. It will probably come to be one day when I my self am trying to shower, and i'll end up seeing Zack half naked with water flowing down him and end up passing out in the shower or something. Not that it wouln't be worth it.


And the weird thing is, I don't actually like him in FF8. I like him in Kingdom Hearts. maube because he's not all angsty and such. And yeah, he does look amazing in leather. And thank you for the really nice mental pictures.


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