Nov 04, 2004 19:17


Well, that was a nice little essay you have managed to conjure up and we'll keep it as "private" as you said you wanted (we'll just skip the fact that you made a whole entry on it =]). I also want to commend you on the well chosen diction ( I especially liked the big words).
Anyway, in response to the first thing you mentioned (by the way I enjoyed your sarcasm as well =]) . The reason I brought up the whole situation about you and the bible is because you mentioned something about morals in your previous entry. I found it funny and ironic that you think America should have morals, hey I think we need them too, but based on all the information that I know, I think you should worry about your own morals first =\. I'm not about to deface you on LJ, I really could care less what you do (or who you do for that matter ;]) on your own time but trust me I know enough about you (and I am not speaking of the past when you say you were not Christian). In NO WAY AT ALL will I regret the comment I made because I did have a point, which if you didn't pick up, was about morals. Oh and by the way I'll pass up on that offer for the *3* cookies =).
Now, on to the OTHER (not only) point that I made. First of all I didn't confront you face to face because the only reason I commented in the first place was because you mentioned something about it in your entry, if something would have been mentioned in my face then I would have happily confronted you. And apparently some of us do love LJ drama, because if it wasn't loved a simple e-mail would have been sent. Regardless if it was a joke or not the word stupid was not needed and it was not your place to say it. Anyway, the reason we made jokes was because (as we all agreed including Cynthia who was on your side) the "debate" was turning into a nasty argument which was composed of mostly yelling, so to ease it all and end it we threw in some comical relief...sorry you couldnt take a joke.
To make a long story short, I *did* have a point with everything that I said in my previous comment. No, I did not have a problem that I have kept bottled up inside me. I would like to apologize for having you sink down to "my level" lOl. And personally, I don't see it sad that I lost complete respect for you because I don't see it as a petty reason. I think my mom made it clear for me to come straight home after church, and I wouldn't like you to influence that in any way ;-) Hope you get that one! Well I hope you have a wonderful life as well =).
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