i'm annOyed!

Oct 26, 2004 22:33

heyy there! i'm kinda annoyed right now cuz someone keeps calling me blocked and playing games with me! It was fun cuz they would push buttons for yes or no questions lOl but I really wanna knOw who it is!!! Oh well I guess I'll never know =\
On another note, Saturday we ended up going to chillis to eat for Nely's birthday.  Then her bro took us in that h-u-g-e truck ( like where you step on is proabably where my shoulder is!) driving around the beach and the grove.  It was fun, I hope she had fun and if you're reading this don't think I forgot I still owe u a gift!

School has been alrighty lately, I'm fine with all my classes.  The only class I really don't like is AP english, but I think it's just very intimidating cuz I feel like I have to do well cuz if not i'm stupid =\

ahh boys..I wish there was one to talk about lOl. Like girls complain when they have a boy and how confusing they are and this n that...but when u don't have one you want one..even with all the confusion they bring to ur life =)

i'll leave you with some pics*

 me befOre gOing out the night of chillis

 Iris, Nely, and her little sis

Nely and I

 I caught you!

 Desiree smilin =)

 Danny..just Danny

 haha me and lisy did orbe's hair in speech

 awww lOl

oki dOke i'm out! xOxO
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