Gas, Hormones and Impotency!!! WYDC chapter 4!

Oct 14, 2009 10:42

Welcome back to my Whose Your Daddy challenge story, chapter Four!

A short recap of which kids are still at home and who their "Baby Daddy" is.

Chartreuse and her baby Daddy Captain Edward Dregg, the Ghost Pirate!

Danzise and her Daddy Cole Harris the Uni Mascot.

Estriatus (L) and Erythraeus (R) are natural twins. Their Dad is Matt, Candi's husband.

Lastly here's Fuchsia, plant baby that Candi spawned while she was a Plant Sim.
Promptly after Fuchsia was born, Candi called a member of the Garden Club and "cured" herself.

When we last left the Candidus household Matt was about to pop out an Alien baby!

Well wait no more, cause IT"S TIME!

"Oh my ?#@*&%! God!!! This Hurts!
It's going to hurt a lot more before this is over. I am not sure what the physiology of a Sim male is, but... well you get where i'm going with this. Matt's is in for a world of hurt.

Everyone else in the family seemed concerned that a man was having a baby...
"Dad! Are you okay!?"
"Of course he's not Okay Eryth, he has an alien baby coming out of his..."
...but Char was all smilies.
"Don't worry Dad, the god of cheese said it would be fine. Just push!"
"God of cheese?!"

After much screaming and yelling, like a little girl, Matt finally popped out baby G.
"All praise to the god of cheese for guidance through your delivery!"
"How cool! He's Green!!!
Welcome Grun (green in German) cute little alien baby with a NOSE!!!

"How did Dad have a baby?"
"I'm not sure, but i'll make grilled cheese sandwiches to celebrate."

"Who would have know childbirth was so painful and exhausting?"
"Um, me."
"Oh, yeah well...You know, this is probably the best grilled cheese sandwich I've ever eaten."

Danzise had her teenage birthday the next day.

She is a Fortune Sim with the Lifetime Want to be Mayor. Her turn ons are blonde hair and athleticism. Her turn off is fatness.
She grew up totally cute, good hair, good clothes. All she needs are her Pom Poms and she can start picking on some POOR DEFENSELESS BAND GEEK WHO NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HER!!! *pant* *pant*

The tension between Char and Matt, the nonbeliever, grew daily.
"Char, this nonsense about the god of cheese has to stop! Your brothers are starting to ask questions, and..."
"It's not nonsense! Cheese is good and must be consumed often to stay close to the creator. Praise be to the god of cheese!!!"

Candi thought it best if Char left for college a bit early.

"Bye Char, Mommy will miss you. Don't forget to call."

Since this is a baby making challenge, and no one seemed to be pregnant at the moment, Candi decided to leave Matt with the kids and go on a little vacation to visit her old friend the Witch Doctor.

After Candi helped him out around the house a bit, he was more than happy to give her his Big Package. *snicker*

Dirty toilet means Baby H is on the way.

It was time for another visit from the Headmaster.

With Mr Mickles the interview went a lot smoother and the kids got into private school. (Is this cheating Chris? I just realized I might have cheated.)

Time for Fuchsia to have her adult birthday.

I have never had a plant baby in my game before, but she is a super cutie. I can't wait to see how she turns out.

She favors Candi for sure, but there are some subtle differences.
I would have liked to play her a bit more. I wish Plant Sims could be kids and teens too.
Fuchsia is a Pleasure Sim with the LTW to be a Professional Party Guest.

Danzise and Fuchsia taught the twins how to study.

Eryth, however, was not cooperating with Fuchsia.
"How do you know all this stuff if you've never been to school?"
"I know everything Mom knows."
"That totally unfair!"

Danzise was doing a little better with Estri.
"Percent means "out of 100." So we can use the percent symbol as a handy way to write a fraction with a common denominator of 100. For example, instead of saying "8 out of every 100 professional basketball players are female," we can say "8% of professional basketball players are female."
"Oh! I didn't know girls played professional basket ball."

Time for Grun's birthday. If he looks like Candi I will scream. I'll also know that the game is out to get me.

It's good to see some genetic variety in the house. Even if it is Alien genetics.
The hair has to go, but I am happy he has a nose.
Grun is an Aries with 10 neat, 10 outgoing, 10 active, 1 playful and 2 nice points.

He's super smart too! He learned all his skills in one day!

Since Blanca moved out the family garden has been neglected a bit.
Fuchsia, with her Gold Badge in gardening helped revive the crop. She managed to harvest some pretty happy eggplant.
I really wish I could keep her around longer. She is super helpful around the house, since she doesn't sleep.
She seems almost childlike in her behavior. She still enjoys playing with her siblings and seems content to stay in her family house. She hasn't rolled wants to move out or get a job.

However, I need room for some more babies, so it's time to say goodbye to Fuchsia.
She is off to live in a motherlode house with a Super hot guy I made just for her. Lucky Girl.

Here are the kids remaining in the house.
Clockwise from left, we have Estri, Danzise, Eryth and Grun.
Danzise got a cute little makeover some time between her teen birthday and when this picture was taken. I feel bad, she's been neglected a bit. I have been so focused on Fuchsia, Grun and the twins that she kind of got left out.

Her relationship scores with the family are lower than the others too. She is content to just sit and play the drums all day.
I don't think the Fortune aspiration fits her. I might change that later when she is in Uni.

The next day Candi brought her coworker Sullivan Santander home again.
I plan on Sullivan being a Baby Daddy and have high hopes he brings some variety into the Candi Clone house.
Unfortunately, Candi is still pregnant with the Witch Doctor's baby, so he'll have to wait.

I guess I should have let him stick around a bit longer, because Baby H, is on its way.
"I thought this was supposed to get EASIER!!!!

It's a girl!
Welcome baby Hazel. She has the Witch Doctor's hair and, surprise surprise, Candi's eyes. The Witch Doctor is said to have great genetics so I am excited to see how she turns out. Yeah, yeah, I know, she'll probably looks EXACTLY like Candi.

Candi wasted no time. After Hazel was feed and happy, she met Xavier Day, AKA Mr. Big, downtown.
"I was wondering when you would call me again Candi."
"Less talk, more action Xavier. Let's get to the photobooth."

Xavier doesn't seem to mind being used for his genetics.
You'd think with all his money he could come up with a better outfit than that though. That silk Cravat and smoking jacket just SCREAMS Hugh Hefner wanna be to me. At least there not pajamas.
That guy in the Black Shirt with the blue sun thing is Fuchsia's intended, by the way.

Time for another birthday.

Seriously, have you seen a cuter Alien kid?! His nose is a bit funky, like Estri's, but I think they both got Matt's nose and they will grow into it. He also got Matt's hair and I think it suits him well.

He also is CONSTANTLY moving. He doesn't stop! 10 active points indeed.

"Grun, have you noticed Mom's been releasing more air pollution lately?"
"Argh! Don't remind me!"

I feel bad for Candi. This pregnancy has been pretty hard on her. If she isn't puking in the toilet, she's sharing her toxic fumes with the rest of the family.

I wanted to have Danzise do some fun stuff as a teen before I sent her to Uni. Unfortunately, the police ruined it. What's worse no parent came out to lecture either. It's like she's invisible and doesn't exsist.
Poor Danzise.

When she left for Uni no one came out to say goodbye either, not even her Mom.

Let's hope she shines a bit more in college.

Time for Hazel to grow up. Let's see some good Witch Doctor genetics!

Please hold as I try to muster up some enthusiasms, as well as some kind of witty comment to add to this picture...

Obligatory toddler skill pictures.

OK! I'm done pouting.
Yes, Hazel is another Candi clone. No use dwelling on the subject.
She certainly has Grun, with his one playful and two nice points, wrapped around her little finger.

In fact, Grun gets along with the twins as well. It's like he's a closet nice person.

Speaking of the Twins, they are about to have their teen birthday.

"Eryth! i bet i can race this course faster than you!"
"Your on! The one with the best score blows their candles out first!"

I invited all the kids from Uni over for the birthday party.
Char and Aureus joined the boys in a rousing water balloon fight! Good times were had by all.

Right before the candles were blown out I noticed Candi doing this wierd "Ouch my back hurts thing" I'm thinking baby's coming soon.
Let's hurry up and blow out the candles boys.

Eryth won the bet, so as Estri pouted in the corner, Eryth blew out his candles first. Then it was Estri's turn.

I know I complain that all my kids look alike, for good reason, but there are slight differences.
Eryth has Candi's eyes and cute button nose, but Estri is going to look more like Matt I think. his face is a bit longer and I am pretty sure he has Matt's nose.
They both turned out very handsome anyways.

See! Handsome!

I was right, Candi went into labor right after the party, with the twins giving morale support. I have no idea where Matt is.

Eventually everyone made it up to welcome baby I, a girl I named Indigo.

Have you all seen this thing? I finally broke down and downloaded it. It is the best thing ever! The animations are super cute and they even nap in it.

Of course, not everyone was happy about it.

You could never have taken a picture like this before.
Yes, it's gratuitous toddler/baby pic spam, but who's complaining.

Time for, yet another, birthday.
This time it's Hazel's turn to age up.

Big aspiration boost for Hazel, a step closer to madness for me.

Here is Hazel, after her makeover.

"Sullivan, I know you were really looking forward to this, but I am going to need to ask you to wait a bit longer."
"Why, your not pregnant. Are you changing your mind?"
"No, no, but I'm a big believer in fate, and that guy behind you is on my list too, so..."
"You mean that dork with the eye spectacle and top hat!?"
"I'm sorry Sullivan. I swear your next, OK!"

"So, want to see what I got in my pockets?"
"Oh yeah!"
At first The Unsavory Charlatan seemed interested.

Then he ran away!
"Excuse me, aren't you going to "pick my pocket"?"

What are you doing!? Go back there and..."
"I don't preform well under all this pressure!"
Oh, Okay, I guess I can pick someone else.

These two gentlemen look promising, and I am sure they would jump at a chance to pick Candi's pocket, so to speak.
"No, no! I'll do it, just give me a minute to...get ready!"

"I'm ready now!"

This is where I will end this chapter.
After some performance anxiety, the Unsavory Charlatan successfully picked Candi's pocket and then left a little something behind.
Always on the look out for Baby Daddies, Candi walks home anticipating the birth of her 10th child, baby J.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. this chapter gave me some fits, so constructive criticism, as well as lavish praise
, is always welcome.
Here is a link to the rules of this challenge, for anyone who is interested.


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