Ninja Bunnies

Apr 23, 2011 17:17

Title: Ninja Bunnies
Author: qui_te 
Rating: M/R/NSFW
Fandom: Original
Wordcount: 1770
Warnings: Bunnies, ninjas, sex, a few Easter eggs
Summary: Lindt finds another rabbit hiding eggs in his territory.

Ninja Bunnies


Lindt stepped softly through the grass, brushing off dew drops that soaked into his thin shoes-not that they bothered him, Lindt was far too professional to react to something as simple as wet socks. After a few steps more, Lindt stopped and bent down, carefully placing an egg from his basket in the grass.

Some ninja-bunnies thought every egg should be perfectly hidden, but Lindt felt that a few visible eggs, strategically placed, only added to the mystery of the ones stowed out of sight.

Making sure this egg wouldn't roll-a rolling egg was a misplaced egg, and a misplaced egg meant you went back to training for another five years-Lindt stood up and surveyed the yard he'd been working.

He couldn't see most of the eggs he'd hidden-even if it wasn't pre-dawn dark, that would have defeated the purpose-but he mentally checked off all the locations holding their secret prize. There was one under the bush, four under the hedge, another in the faux wishing-well, and one behind each of the garden gnomes. Three had been softly nestled into the grass, two in the garden, and each of the four flowerpots on the porch had an egg as well.

Personally, Lindt hated putting eggs in the flowerpots. There was obvious, and there was obvious-flowerpots were so over-done, it was almost embarrassing to hide eggs there-but with Hershey and his peons in power, five years of retraining would have been nothing compared to what would happen if Lindt didn't put his eggs in the flower pots.

I'm voting for the other guy this year, Lindt told himself for the millionth time. Nestle's platform wasn't such an improvement overall, but at least he was a firm believer in allowing ninja-bunnies the freedom of placing all their own eggs.

Gripping his basket securely, Lindt padded softly out of the yard, heading for the next house on the street. He was only half way there when his ears pricked up at a soft sound-the almost-inaudible scoff of a thin boot on cement.

There was only one sort of person who could make that kind of sound on this night, and Lindt snarled silently at the still-invisible Other. What does he think he's doing? Lindt grumbled to himself, stepping to the side of the sidewalk and waiting for his competitor to pass by. Lindt had fought long and hard for this neighborhood, and he wasn't about to let some upstart hide eggs in his yards.

There was a faint glow from the lamp down the street, and as Lindt stood silently in the shadow of a pine tree, he could see the other ninja-bunny's silhouette as a fainter dark against black.

As the Other passed by, Lindt jumped, landing on the Other's back and wrapping an arm around his throat. "What are you doing here?" Lindt hissed, tightening his hold for a moment before releasing it enough that the Other could speak.

"This is my territory," the Other replied, jabbing an elbow backwards as he dropped his weight and slipped out of Lindt's hold-not a jellybean, then.

"It's mine," Lindt hissed, keeping his feet, double-checking that his basket was undisturbed as he and the Other started to circle each other, their ears laid back in anger.

"They wouldn't have given such a prestigious territory to a pathetic rabbit like you," the Other snarled, holding his basket close-that was what they always taught you; protect the basket. It might be your reputation if an egg rolled, or your job if you didn't put them in the flowerpots, but it was your life if you dropped a whole basket.

"I'm not the one who gave away my presence, and then got jumped by a 'pathetic rabbit,'" Lindt pointed out, twitching his ears to make air-quotes.

The Other made a sound of ultimate anger, a deep snarl in the back of his throat, and charged at Lindt-but Lindt was prepared, and barely needed to step aside to avoid his attack.

"Baby mistake, jellybean" Lindt said, adding a kick to the Other's behind as he went past. It sent him stumbling into the tree Lindt had so recently been hiding under, his basket flung out a bit too far-though not far enough to be damaged.

The Other quickly recovered and spun around to face Lindt once more. There was no more trading of words between them, just blows as they spun and kicked, arms and torsos used to carefully defend their baskets of precious, precious eggs.

The tree, with its sprawling roots, added an extra challenge when the two of them shortly found themselves within its reach, those twisty roots tripping them and affecting landings.

The Other hopped towards Lindt, and Lindt stepped back to avoid him, but a root was in the way, and he stumbled over it, the hand carrying his basket flying out to the side to help keep his balance. Realizing his mistake almost at once, Lindt spun around as best he could, curling around the basket as he nonetheless went down.

"Oh, chocolate," the Other gasped when he saw what had happened. "Are your eggs okay?"

Here's a situation to take advantage of, Lindt thought, quivering his shoulders and his ears ever so slightly. He drew in a shaky breath and didn't answer-his eggs were fine, but the Other didn't know that.

"No!" gasped the Other, stepping closer. "Don't tell me-"

Lindt left his basket securely tucked between the tree roots and spun on the Other, knocking him over with a kick and then bounding on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The Other had lost his protective hold over his basket as he fell, and even though he hadn't landed very hard, he tried to twist and look into it.

"Please," the Other moaned, "are my eggs okay?"

Lindt snorted and tossed his ears over his shoulder. This one was such a jellybean-even if he could fight passably well. "What'll you do if they're damaged?" Lindt asked, leaning closer.

The Other's eyes became huge, and his ears quivered in the distress Lindt had pretended to earlier. "I-I'll die," the Other said. "I've tried so long to be a ninja-bunny, and to lose them-" he stopped talking, large tears trickling down his cheeks.

Lindt chuckled quietly and nuzzled at the Other's nose. "Your eggs are fine," he said. "What's your name?"


"And what in white chocolate are you doing in my territory?" Lindt asked, deciding that Cadbury wasn't really a threat-just a distraction.

"I was told to put eggs out on Woodside Terrace," Cadbury answered, squirming slightly.

Lindt snorted. "And who told you that?"

For a moment it looked like Cadbury wouldn't answer. "Dove," he said at last.

"That-that nougat," Lindt snarled. "He's always trying to ruin me." He punched the ground beside Cadbury's head, startling the younger bunny into holding still once more. "You'd better not believe anything that paltry excuse for a truffle tells you."

"I won't," Cadbury quickly agreed, nodding and starting up his wiggling once more.

"Chocolate, you're such a jellybean," Lindt said, looking down at his captive. He started to clamber off the younger rabbit, when he brushed against something unexpected. "What's this?" Lindt asked, running his hand along what he'd found.

"No, no nononono," Cadbury said, as his eyes got even larger-which Lindt wouldn't have believed possible if he hadn't seen it.

"No? Okay, then." Lindt pulled his hand away.

"No!" Cadbury said again, reaching for Lindt, and putting his hand back where it had been.

"Well, now I'm getting mixed messages," Lindt said, although he threw a leg back over Cadbury's. "Do you want this?" He squeezed gently as he said it, and was rewarded with seeing Cadbury's eyes roll back in his head, and hearing him choke off a moan. "Or do you want this?" Lindt repositioned himself over Cadbury and ground their hips together.

Cadbury panted and wrapped his arms and legs around Lindt, thrusting upwards.

"No, I don't think so," Lindt said, leaning back until Cadbury let go of him. Lindt caught an unresisting Cadbury's wrists and pulled them over his head. With his free hand, Lindt carefully reached for the ribbon on Cadbury's basket-it could be retied so long as it wasn't damaged-which, once freed, Laindt used to tie Cadbury's wrists to a conveniently protruding root.

Cadbury squirmed when Lindt was finished, but he didn't seem to object to the enforced position-far from it, in fact.

"You have some issues, jellybean," Lindt said, rolling off Cadbury enough that he could slide a hand into Cadbury's pants.

"I-I'm not a j-jellybean," Cadbury panted, his hips rocking gently.

"You are if Dove is telling you what to do," Lindt said.

Cadbury's only response was a partially-stifled whine.

Lindt chuckled and leaned down to nip at one of Cadbury's ears, then fumble his pants open, gently tugging Cadbury's length out into the chill pre-morning air. Cadbury shivered, although it wasn't with cold as Lindt gently wrapped his fingers around Cadbury's cock.

He went slow at first, enjoying the tiny whimpering sounds Cadbury made, the encouraging shifting of his hips as he tried to get Lindt to go faster. Lindt could have stayed there all night, watching Cadbury, but the first glow of pale dawn light reminded him that he had a job to do, no matter how fun this distraction was proving to be. Increasing his pace as he slide up his hand up and down Cadbury's cock, Lindt smiled as he watched Cadbury bite his lip against making too much noise, his hips shifting hungrily until at last Cadbury's body tensed up, his ears quivered and he came.

Immediately after release, Cadbury melted back into the ground, his whole body going limp as he lay there. Lindt's smile turned into a smirk and he rubbed his thumb against Cadbury's warm skin a moment longer.

"I'd stay," Lindt said, "but I've still got eggs to hide."

"But-" Cadbury protested, his eyes going to Lindt's covered erection as he tugged at his tied hands.

"Don't worry," Lindt said. "I'll be back."

"But-" Cadbury tried again, but Lindt had already grabbed both baskets and started off towards the next lawn, leaving Cadbury tied up and exposed among the tree roots.

Smiling, and almost humming to himself, Lindt hurried to place the remainder of his eggs, his mind half on his work, and half on the treat awaiting him when he finished.


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